children on parade

This topic was created by fritz and dollie
[Fri 8 Jan, 15:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

If children are wont to ill behave, here is an idea - dress
them up as characters (disney,etc.) and give them extra
sugar. They will be able to dance and otherwise amuse
us. OR better yet, you could all stay home!

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Sat 6 Feb, 8:51]

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  1. Damn I┤ll cancel then... Added by: Olefattguy
    [Timestamp: Sat 9 Jan, 2:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was planning on bringing my 3-year-old daughter on a
    one-month trip to Bali but I don┤t wanna upset anyone so I
    guess I┤ll just have to stay home for the next fiteen years
    or so.

  2. don't stay at home Added by: Gizmo
    [Timestamp: Sat 9 Jan, 3:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    NO - do not stop travelling just because of these two
    idiots " fritz and dollie".
    You have every right to travel wherever you wish.
    The only point I would make would be that if you are about
    to enter a temple and a baby is about scream, chill out for ten minutes - then carry on.
    Remember we all all young once :)

  3. Ignore these imposters Added by: The real Fritz and Dollie
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 20:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We don't know who these horrible people are who are trying
    to impersonate us, and find it very distressing especially
    now Dollie is pregnant. We are so looking forward to that
    little bundle of joy.
    Please, if anyone has any tips on parenthood, we'd love to
    God bless little children everywhere, and please ignore the
    horrid imposters who have tried to adopt our immature old

  4. puzzled Added by: detroiter
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 14:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In the past two years, I've logged over 50,000 flight miles on domestic and international flights. I once had a three year old next to me who was a bit squirmy, but his mother gave him some juice and he calmed down. On another flight, I asked the eight year old next to me if he'd flown before. he said, "yes, lots!" I smiled indilgently until dad mentioned he's a pilot, and his son had been on dozens of trips. I can't recall any other child incidences on planes. Perhaps I just didn't notice.
    Children are very sensitive. I suppose if one were wearing too much cologne, had recently smoked a cigar, or perhaps had been too rushed to shower, a sensitive young nose in the next seat might be irritated. Unknown adults can also be frightening to children, especially in close quarters. Children, being less verbal than adults, tend read non-verbal signals extremely well. They don't know how to consciously interpret what they are picking up, but they often unconsciously mirror back the signals they receive.
    If I had repeated unpleasant experiences with any group of people, especially children, I'd have to start asking myself if I were doing anything to prompt the behavior.

  5. Its a Boy Added by: Fritz & Dolly
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 Feb, 8:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just to let you other miserable parents know, that at 9pm last night whilst clamping on an antique Iban loin cloth Dolly gave birth to a 3.75 kilo boy.
    Obviously we are both stressed, the large birth weight meaning we need to carry larger nappies and also reducing the amount of luggage we can carry for us .
    So far it seems quiet , although we have immediately attached airport baggage straps to its girth for portablity(and to stop it crawling around our feet).We decided not to buy a crib, choosing instead an old pilots bag which we can fold his legs up and under so he doesnt learn to unfurl his legs and kick seats in front .
    We are currently researching availability of anasthaesia style drugs in 3 rd world countries so he can be kept under for the longer more esoteric parts of our travels (art galleries/palaces/cafes etc etc )
    Any more tips (not foot binding please, Fritz is an anthropologist, and although we considered this , his chances of a promotion to Dept Head will be diminshed by those do gooders down in Sociology also on the promotions board.)will be aprecciated.
    if you see us with your kids , dont try and play with him .overstimulation will just increase the burden for us all.
    Oh god, it wants feeding .DOLLY?.................................

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