My mum and dad want to take me to India!

This topic was created by Rohan (
[Sun 29 Nov, 19:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Next April I will be almost two years old and my mum and dad want to take me to India for two months. They have been there twice before but have never had the exciting(!) and exhilirating(!!) experience of having me in tow.
The problem is that they are not too sure where they should take me at that time of year. They think it will be too cold in the Himalayas (as when they got there in April it was too cold to play outside) and that it will be too hot in the South or Rajahstan (as when they left there in April it was too hot to play anywhere).
If there are any other two year olds (or one year olds or three year olds or four year olds or......) out there who have been anywhere at that time then can they please email me back.
PS: Dad says that we can't change the time of year that we go as we are then heading to NZ (to retire).
PPS: Any travel hints to make my life (or my mum and dad's life) easier would be very welcome.
Rohan Samuel Lewis aged 18 months and 1 day

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 9 March, 22:34]

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  1. Kids to Morocco Added by: Mark and Patricia
    [Timestamp: Wed 9 Dec, 22:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We are taking our two children, aged 4 and 2, to Morocco in
    March for a month. We are looking for any advise or tips of
    places to go, things to be cautious of etc. We were out in
    Sri Lanka for 2 months earlier this year so have a fair idea
    of the issues related to travelling with children but would
    welcome any advise specific to Morocco.

  2. precocious Added by: jude
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 22:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you are a very sphisticated child to access media with such fluency
    have fun on your trip and don't talk to any strangers

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