travelling with adopted kids

This topic was created by Concerned
[Sat 17 April, 8:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am a white male aged 47 (large but a bit tubby). I and my boyfriend (soon to be husband)
want to travel with our kids (one adopted child aged 7, from Uzbekistan, one adopted chinese
(actually from Szechuan) aged 4) through the deep south of the USA by bicycle (and maybe hitch hike).
We are concerned about narrow-minded views
spoiling our trip and my boyfriend suggested that he dress up as a woman to make us look
like a traditional southern couple. I think this is kinda dumb. The kids wanted to go to
Disneyland but we thought riding our bikes up dirt roads in the southern apalachians would be
a great way to see the real America (he thinks he can ride his Schwinn in a dress, though)
Do you readers have any advise, especially travelling with our kids

[There are 10 posts - the latest was added on Tue 18 May, 12:08]

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  1. Some Ideas Added by: Kathryn
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 10:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1. I would not suggest hitch hiking. You probably won't get
    many rides and it could put the kids in danger (not to
    mention your selves).
    2. Wearing a dress could cause more problems than being two
    men together (gay or otherwise).
    3. With kids that young you may want to go to Disneyland
    Whatever you decide to do best wishes and have fun.
    p.s. I have riden a bike in a dress. It got caught in the
    chain. Horrible mess and terribly inconven

  2. Not a good idea Added by: Sanford (
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 10:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Skip the dressing up as a woman gig! Even if your boyfriend
    can fool nine out of ten people, one will slip through and
    the results could be disastrous!
    Traveling on the open road in America should always be
    considered with caution, especially in the Deep South -- I
    should know, I'm from there.
    If you insist on biking through the any part of the rural
    South, DO NOT HITCHHIKE! It is illegal in most, if not all,
    of the USA, for the protection of the hikers more than the
    motorists. Hitchhiking with your children in this area will
    put them at significant risk!
    Also, if you can manage the philosophical dilemma, I would
    suggest hiding your relationship with your boyfriend or at
    least masking overt display of your sexual orientation.
    Away from population centers in the US you could be subject
    to ridicule and, unfortunately, more tangible displays of
    disagreement with your lifestyle.
    That being said, don't be scared away. You can plan a safe
    and fun trip for both yourselves and your children. Just be
    aware that certain attitudes in the American South could
    pose a problem for

  3. Disney Added by: Korreen
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 8:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As a parnet with two kids as well, I would go to disneyland.
    If you are stressed, they will feel it, and it should be a
    lovely time for all of you. Your plans are romantic, but
    maybe four is a little young to enjoy it.

  4. Forget the frock Added by: Noble
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 8:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry, when I stopped laughing I thought you would have a great career in writing !!
    Forget the south , thats just chancing trouble .Gawd , our adopted kids have a hard enough time without dad posing in a frock. Go for Disneyland , if you have to do the Southern bit, leave the boys at home with Nanna

  5. agree with 4th Added by: ron
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 6:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Although I'm not in the same life situation you are, I can
    tell you that the south can be VERY negative towards a
    couple of gay men, let alone the fact that you'd have two
    children of different race. I'd avoid the south as
    well...check out the western US, or else take the kids to
    Disneyland, they'll love it MUCH more! Biking through the
    south is a timebomb.

  6. Go anyway Added by: southerner
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 3:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You never defined what you mean by south. Virginia,
    Georgia, Alabama, Texas? We're all considered south and
    all have different problems. Avoid the south? Do and
    you'll miss out on some beautiful parts of the country.
    Let common sense dictate. Would recommend no obvious
    public displays of affection outside of urban areas. Most
    people wouldn;t hassle you, especially since your obvouisly

  7. No Added by: Nickel
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 12:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just say no to homosexual relationships. God did.
    Love from the south,

  8. Grandma Added by: Southern
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 4:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Riding a bike in the South in the summer is hot and
    miserible. A child will be ready to call it enough in about
    3 hours. There is a large gay community on Short Mt.
    outside of Woodbury TN. It is rural and beautiful and your
    children would feel no stress. I am sure they would have
    ideas of great places to go. It is listed in the phone book
    at The Sancuary.

  9. You'r Cruel Added by: Ternite
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 13:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It would have been better to leave the kid's in china and
    Uzbeckistan. It is sure thing that these countries do not
    have screening of potential parents, you would not have
    qualified ...
    Get real.. Send the kids to Disneyland and then home. You
    and your partner should hitchhike through the deep deep
    south in Skirts.

  10. 4Disneyland2 Added by: ruth (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 12:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...and you thought you'd have to be worried about narrow
    minded views once you actually left for your holidays!!!!! I
    am continually amazed at how ignorant my fellow human beings
    are - SHOCKING! Anyway...I have 3 kids aged 3, 4 and 5 who I
    care for on my own - from past experience, even though the
    'dirt roads' scenario sounds wonderful, I would have to
    agree with the other posters who recommended sticking to

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