Single Mom in Cairo

This topic was created by Cindy (
[Fri 16 April, 2:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am a 29 year old Canadian woman desperate for advice!!!
The travel bug bit and I spent the summer of 1998 teaching
English in Cairo, Egypt. I wish to return by July of 1999
to spend six months to a year in Egypt. This time, I will
be bringing my 9 year old son with me.
As a single mom who will be bringing in a modest income
(1500 Egyptian pounds per month), I am having a difficult
time finding a school taught in English for my son to
attend. Most schools range from $8000 to $13000 American
per year. This is an impossibility for me!!!
I don't know what other options may exist, but am anxious to
find out. If you have any advice to offer, or perhaps you
are an expatriate currently living in Cairo, I would
appreciate hearing from you.
Thanks to all!!!

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 7:12]

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  1. Education options Added by: Sanford (
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 10:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Being neither an expat in Egypt nor an expert in education,
    I hesitate to post this response. Please take with the
    appropriate tablespoon of salt.
    Have you considered, with discussion and consent from your
    son, enrolling him in an Arabic school. Preferably a
    private school, but you may find some of them less expensive
    than the English alternatives.
    I gained much from my foreign travels with my parents and
    your son may make up for what he loses in quick adjustment
    to the new school with a significantly broadened knowledge
    of a region alien to him and most of us.
    Just a

  2. schools Added by: Another Cindy
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 4:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My name is Cindy also and I live in Cairo. I have lived
    here for 2 years.
    You will be able to find less expensive English schools in
    Cairo. There is a book called Cairo:The Practical Guide
    published by AUC press. It lists schools. It lists prices
    of $6,000-8,000 for your son's age. (Except CAC which is
    like $13,000)
    But it also lists some schools without listing their prices,
    and I assume these are cheaper. There are plenty of schools
    in Cairo, and you really will have your choice. There are
    also English language immersion schools that Egyptians send
    their kids too. Or French, German, etc. There are also
    Arabic schools. But the rates for foreigners in these
    schools are higher than the rates for Egyptians - but lower
    than th rates for "expat" schools.
    Also, it may be difficult to live on LE 1500/month.
    Your rent alone will take up 800-1200LE, and then you have
    to pay for transportation, food, entertainment on top of
    that. My husband and I find it is a struggle to live on LE
    400/week after rent. You really would need to have a lot of
    savings tobe able to manage that, especially with a child.
    Hope this helps.

  3. child in Egypt Added by: suzanne
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 21:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    First of all, I am sorry to say that I won't be able to
    help you, I am just mailing you for my own `problem'. I am
    a single mom too, and will travel to Egypt in the beginning
    of may, together with my two-year old son. As I am a
    teacher too, I will only be able to stay for two weeks. Can
    you give me any information on where to go, what to see,
    what to bring, etc, to make this holiday nice, for both me
    and my son.
    Thank you and good luck finding a school for your son.

  4. Thanks to All... Added by: Cindy (
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 3:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for the replies to my post.
    I have a few questions for the Cindy who has lived in Cairo
    for two years. If you have no objections, please drop your
    e-mail address to Thanks!!
    To Suzanne, I would love to reply, but don't have a return
    e-mail. Get back to me when you can!

  5. Inner Mongolia Added by: Liz (
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 21:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear friends,
    Who is able to give me information on my trip to Inner and
    Outer Mongolia in early July? Most of all, I should like to
    know how I can go from Huhhot to Dalanzadgad (Govi). Is it
    possible to travel overland? Where is there a border
    crossing? All hints will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks for helping me.

  6. want info... Added by: wanda (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 7:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi! My financee is moving to Egypt this summer, to teach
    in a school called the BBC school. Has anyone heard of
    it?? I am a massage therapist, what are the chances of
    securing employment in Cairo?? Is it safe, and is massage
    recognized there as legitimate therapy??? How much do
    therapists make there?
    As you can see, I'm full of questions as I consider this
    move. Please advise!!!!!!

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