Bali + Kids

This topic was created by Gerard (
[Sun 15 Nov, 0:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We are taking 3 children to bali in jan 99 and would like
some tip on what ot see and do. We ahve been told that bali
is a fantastic place for kids.
We are also considering taking thum to Lombok and to the non
tourist ares of bali.
Any sugestions would be appreciated.

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Thu 1 April, 17:02]

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  1. re: bali+kids Added by: inn (
    [Timestamp: Tue 17 Nov, 6:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hello Gerard,
    I was with my son of 5 year in Bali, Sulawesi and Java
    4years ago. I traveled all over the island, it is very
    easy! Bali is fantastic with a kid, the people are so
    friendly and you sure have a lot of succes with them. My
    son could allready speak some Indonesian words after a
    while and you should have seen the people then, it was
    really very funny. It is not dangerous at all, the medical
    treatment is very good, the food is not spicy, it is
    paradise for the kids. Even Sulawesi , which is not so
    touristic, was no problem. The people treat your child as
    a sultan. We had a special "buginese" dinner in Sulawesi
    with the original clothing for guests, and my son was the
    first one served, everybody was sitting next to him to
    give him his meal. To visit the temples: we found a book
    with old stories, like the one about a princes who was
    buried alive in the Borobudur , we enjoyed the carvings and
    my son searched all the way round for the unfortunate
    princess. Such things makes it fun for them too. Also
    becak-drives are the most fantastic thing you can give your
    kid. Have fun !!!

  2. Bali Added by: Ridley family (
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 17:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Balanese love children and will lavish attention on them especially if they are blond. Our two year old was so appresiated by the locals that for the next two years he feared strangers approaching him! Nearly every Balanese woman wanted to touch him. I hope your small child is not shy, if so you should accostom them to this very close and constant attention! Enjoy one of the most beautful Hindu islands in the World...

  3. Bali is perfect Added by: Asa (
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 23:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Bali is perfect for kids, and our (then) 3 and 5 yearolds
    loved it! Stay at Permai hotel just out of Kalibukuk at
    Lovina beach! Friendly family with lots of kids to play
    with, nice little pool, clean and comfortable rooms!
    Padangbai is great, and Mt Batur is a must for slighty
    older children. Do your thing (i e climb the volcano) and
    get out though, it's a bit touristy to enjoy for long. Be
    careful with mosquitos and malaria in Lombok, and if it all
    gets too much, go enjoy the Water boom park and good old
    MacDonalds in Kuta beach!
    Have fun!

  4. Malaria? Added by: Melanie Thompson (
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 12:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am also planning a trip to Bali with my 10mth old baby.
    Do I need to worry about malaria or any other diseases?

  5. Lombok with 2 kids Added by: tiziana (
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 Feb, 2:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Next August, on the way to Australia, my family and I would
    like to stop in Lombok for 7-10 days.
    Any good hotel for kids? (mine are 4 and 2 years old)
    We would like to chose a hotel with a super beach, any

  6. Is Bali Safe Added by: KMT
    [Timestamp: Sat 13 Feb, 23:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am about to take my family to Bali and I was just
    wondering whether it is still safe. The reason for my
    concern is because of a number of violent demonstration in
    Jakarta and I wanted to know whether it has any affect in
    In addition I have two kids (a 2 year old and a 6 months
    old baby), are there any precautions we should consider.
    Thanking you all in advance

  7. destination Lombok Added by: Craig (
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 April, 17:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We are heading to Lombok in April with our 10& 8 yr olds. My
    brother (who was there reciently with his two kids)
    recomends Santai Beach Inn north of Senggigi ph (oo62)
    370693038 . Says its heaven.

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