Eastern Mediterranean

This topic was created by Sean (alkibiades@eudoramail.com)
[Thu 13 May, 11:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am a 29 y.o. Australian guy heading over to the Eastern
Mediterranean in June July. I haven't managed to find much
on the web in regard to Gay life in Istanbul. If anyone
could oblige with some tips I would be very grateful.
Likewise if anyone is interested in travelling together for
a while in either Jordan (early june) Greece (mid to late
June), Turkey (early July), Jordan, Syria and Israel (mid
to late July) email me. I am heading off with a backpack,
frexible plans and a great interest in ancient history and

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 18 May, 9:54]

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  1. Go to hell! Added by: Zachary
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 18:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey, Sean, you f*&%$#ng faggot! Why don't you try to go to hell and contaminate Satan with your AIDS virus? You can also perform oral sex with other dead faggots there!

  2. ²stanbul Added by: Paul (.....)
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 9:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try this

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