
This topic was created by scott
[Wed 5 May, 4:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am planning a trip to Vancouver, Canada this summer and
would appreciate any advice on places to stay and things
that I shouldn't miss. Your help is appreciated.

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Fri 14 May, 12:40]

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  1. Vancouver, oui. Added by: Travis
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 5:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Check out:

  2. GAY? Added by: Dakota?
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 10:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Is this a gay hotel?
    Are there any good gay hotels or guest houses?

  3. Too Much Added by: Mongoose
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 14:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There's so much to see and do in the Vancouver area (gay
    and "regular" !) that it takes a book or two. Check out the
    Search for "Gay Vancouver" and "Vancouver Tourism"
    Bye the way the Dakota Hotel is near the gay area of town
    but it sound expensive to me. The GVBA (GAY Vancouver
    Business Association)should have some gay B&B's listed.
    The local gay paper - Xtra West - comes out (oops!) twice
    every other week but they don't seem to have a website.

  4. OOPS Again Added by: Mongoose
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 14:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry about the double posting. Also it should read Xtra
    West... every other week not twice every other week.

  5. b Added by: a
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 16:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you are a silly goose!

  6. Super Van! Added by: jay (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 12:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I know youll love Vancouver. I considered citizenship after
    I was there. I worked during the winter for the ski season
    and had a great time. Try the Dufferin Hotel in Vancouver.
    Its a regular bar as well with karaoke and drag too.
    Otherwise the YHA is very good but you have to book. Clubs-
    Check out Denman Street, small but friendly. From there the
    locals will give you the lowdown.

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