Eastern European literature

This topic was created by Masha (bezumny@yahoo.com)
[Thu 15 April, 11:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi, I'm a Russian lit major looking to expand into Eastern
Europe... (figuratively,that is :)... I was wondering if
anyone has any recommended reading - books you've read and
absolutely loved. Anything Eastern European, but not
Russian, and preferably 20th century. For my part, I just
read Ivan Klima's "My Golden Trades" (he's Czech) and loved
it. Thanks!

[There are 11 posts - the latest was added on Fri 14 May, 21:35]

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  1. authors Added by: Holden (souhrada@bigfoot.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 12:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Milan Kundera (CZ)
    Kafka, of course (CZ)
    Also try czech cinema

  2. Another Added by: Elizabeth
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 13:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I read a book of Essays by Czech writer called, I believe,
    Jozef Slovecky. Not 'technically' literature but really
    interesting stuff.

  3. more Added by: herman (h.j.wierenga@wbmt.tudelft.nl)
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 19:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hrabal(cz) is funny/good. Mircea Eliade(ro) is interesting.

  4. Greek literature? Added by: Efi
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 2:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Masha, do you consider greek literature as eastern
    european? If you do, then you will love the works of Nikos
    Kazantzakis, especially "The Last Temptation". If you are
    interested, I can give you more titles.

  5. thanks! Added by: Masha (bezumny@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 12:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for the suggestions! That should keep me busy for
    awhile. No, though I probably consider Greece Eastern
    Europe, I'm looking at Slavic, but thanks! And the book I'm
    reading right now, "Dreams of my Russian Summers" by Andrei
    Makine (translated from French), is great - highly
    recommended. The writer is Russian, grew up in Siberia, but
    with a French grandmother, and emigrated to France in the
    late 80s. It's a great book.

  6. polish writer Added by: Kate
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 15:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    "A Minor Apocalypse" by Tadeusz Konwicki

  7. Check out... Added by: Rocker
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 13:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How about Franz Kafka?

  8. A bit of all Added by: O_Girl (ojaoja@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 4:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    These are my suggestions:
    Czech Republic: Kundera, Hrabal, Skvorecky
    Poland: Witold Gombrowicz
    Slovenia: Drago Jancar (he's mostly translated into German
    and Czech, but I think some of his works should have
    appeared in English as well); Various: anthologies of short
    Croatia: Slavenka Drakulic (I know more of them, but she
    definitely is translated into English)
    Bosnia: Ivo Andric (Nobel prize)
    Serbia: Danilo Kis
    Macedonia: Zivko Cingo
    Unfortunately I can't remember any Slovaks or Bulgarians - a
    shame knowing I'm Slovenian and a literature student...

  9. Suggestions Added by: Brian (pozun@un.org)
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 13:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Semezdin Mehmedinovic (BiH), SARAJEVO BLUES. read it, you'll LOVE it!
    Aleksandr Dukhnovyc (Carpatho-Rusyn), VIRTUE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN RICHES. it's a play from the nineteenth century by the most important Rusyn writer.
    and you might try Thomas Bell's OUT OF THIS FURNACE, which is properly American literature, but he was of Slovak descent and the book is sort of like THE JUNGLE, about the life of Slovak immigrants to Western PA before WWI.

  10. Few suggestions Added by: Roman (bm103@scn.org)
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 7:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anything by Josef Skvorecky especially "The Republic of
    Whores" as well as all the books by Ivan Klima, Milan
    Kundera and B.Hrabal.
    I highly recommend a book called "Hangwoman" by Pavel
    Kohout and other books he wrote.
    There is a really cool writer in Slovakia called Martin M.
    Simecka, read his book "The Year of the Frog".

  11. the classic Added by: pere lachaisse
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 21:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Good Soldier Svejk by Jaroslav Hasek. Go thru this book
    & do your own eastern european pub tour !

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