Summer in Croatia!!

This topic was created by Anita (
[Mon 5 April, 13:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hello fellow travellers!!
If anyone is planning a trip to beautiful Croatia, how
about a small town called Murter?!
It's located on the central Adriatic coast, between Zadar
and Sibenik.
My father owns a beautiful Inn with breath-taking views.
It's DM70/night for double or single occupancy, and DM10/each
additional person. The suites can sleep about 4 or 5 people.
They are equipped with bathrooms and kitchens.
During the summer, my family also operates "Racic Day Tours"
through Kornati National Park. For DM50/person, you have a
boat trip to and from Kornati with swimming stops in the
Adriatic along the way, as well as a meal and beverage in
The phone number in Croatia is (22)-434-865. You can also
phone (22)-434-367.
Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions.
I'll be there this summer, so I hope to see you then!

[There are 34 posts - the latest was added on Fri 14 May, 6:55]

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  1. CROATIA ? It depends... Added by: Al/Milano
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 22:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I will be rally pleased to visit your Country, so nice and
    full of history (Romans and Venitians left so many
    beautiufl things!). Morter is an island, isn't it?
    But your Country is still in the hands of a strong
    NATIONALIST like Mr. Tujman... and I am descendent from
    italians of Fiume (Rijeka)... A couple of italian friends
    told me that last yar they had problems in Dalmatia. Some
    nationalists treated them as 'fascists'...
    May be in the future. Ciao Anita!

  2. I agree Added by: T
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 12:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    True: Croatians were too nationalistic.
    Although Croatia had a beutiful coast i wouldn't go back
    there. I found Croatians very rude. My friend was forced to
    give a seat on a bus. Thanks for the warm hospitlity you
    give to your visitors.
    The Croatians definately rip you off!!!
    Not only that i found them dirty, especially split. They
    don't stop spitting and piss where ever they want! So watch
    where you walk!

  3. Another Thing Added by: T
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 12:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I rememeber getting off a ferry on Hvar Island, not one
    Croatian help me with directions or advise on how/where to
    get a bus. Then when I hitchhiked all the croatians didn't
    bother looking at me (I guess they were too good for me),
    but instead a German couple picked me up.

  4. Don't be too harsh Added by: Anita (
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 15:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't know what to say to that. I was born, raised, and
    I live in Canada. The times when I have been to Croatia have
    been very enjoyable. I do have family there, though. So, I
    haven't had to deal with too many stangers. Just from what
    my dad tells me, the people that do come, tend to return again
    and again. This is why I am looking forward to being there
    this summer. I know I'll meet alot of people from all over.
    Also, rest and relaxation are a big plus!
    Hope you reconsider.

  5. I understand now... Added by: Al/Milano
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 16:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello Anita, so, you recomend a Croatia but you don't live
    there! And you don't know the history...
    What happened to 'T' is quite normal in the 'Beautiful

  6. Ok Added by: T (
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 19:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry, but all i was stating was my personal expeirence
    during my stay in Croatia. But i probably can understand why
    the Croatians were that way. Things haven't been the best
    since the war ended, and especially now that there is still
    trouble in the Balkans, so I guess morale is a bit low.
    However some good things happened as well, however the bad
    times out numbered the good times. I guess people have
    different expeirences. Some people might love the place,
    others will hate it. But from personal expeirence and in
    comparision to other places that I've been to, I wouldn't go
    back to Croatia.
    I have to admit that Dubrovnik is beutiful and worth
    seeing and the bus ride from Pula to Zagreb was bliss (Loved
    the scenary)

    'Al/Milano'. I guess you are from Milano. I'm an
    Italo-Australian, who lives in Sydney. My expeirences in
    Croatia were quite funny. People at first hand would
    suspected me being an Italian from Italy and they treated me
    that way. But once I told them I was from Australia and that
    my parents were from Italy the situation changed. I was
    treated a bit different and I can remember a few times how
    they would complain about the Italians
    Anyway I went to Milan during June/July. Milano was nice
    (especially the centre of Milan-Duomo and Corso Victor
    Emmanuel. I did a bit of travelling around Italy and got to
    see all the relatives. If you ever think of coming to
    Australia, give us a 'squillo'
    I leave my email address.

  7. A great part of the world Added by: CV (
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 19:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You poor thiing Anita.. All you were trying to do was offer
    great views and great times to tourists..not start an
    inter-racial war !!
    I am an Australian living in Slovenia and have experienced
    nothing but good hospitality from Croatians and am really
    looking forward to a trip to the entire coast this summer.
    I will write directly to you later if that is Ok but would
    be keen to book at your parent's place in for one or two
    nights , possibly July 19-20. I will confirm dates later.
    Many thanks for letting us know about this place. It sounds
    great.And have a nice time yourself...

  8. CV Added by: Al/Milano
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 21:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    dEAR cv, Croatia is A good place for you not for italians
    like me. If you appreciate Slovenia you will do the same
    for Croatia. But, PLEASE, don't speak about things that you
    don't know. There's no inter-racial war at all! But many
    croatians (and also many slovenians) are not polite with
    italians (and it seems even with italo-australians). You
    are FREE to go to Croatia, of course. But when you say that
    croatians offer a good hospitality...remember that IS YOUR

  9. CV Added by: Al/Milano
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 21:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello cv,
    Croatia is A good place for you not for italians like me.
    If you appreciate Slovenia you will do the same for
    Croatia. But, PLEASE, don't speak about things that you
    don't know. There's no inter-racial war at all,just a
    problem of croatian nationalism and freedom for italians
    living in Istra/Dalmatia... That's the reason why many
    croatians (and also many slovenians) are not polite with
    italians (and it seems even with italo-australians).
    You are FREE to go to Croatia, of course. But when you say
    that croatians offer a good hospitality...remember that IS

  10. Slovenia Added by: T
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 21:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Actually I found Slovenia really good. I would like to go
    back there. Nice country to see and the peolpe really
    freindly. At least in Slovenia I was able to get a tourist
    map whereas in Croatia they seemed to have run out!

  11. True Added by: T
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 21:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Its true about the Italians minority in Istria. They don't
    have a Fair go. I was reading an article the other day on
    it. Apparently the Croatian constitution is very
    discrimintive to minorities (basically directed to serbs but
    it affects all minorities)
    Anyway things seem to be improving in this area, they seem
    to be boasting about that there is a flag that is a hybrib
    between the Italian flag and the Croatian flag in the town
    square in pula.
    A I said before some people were enjoying Croatia while
    others did not.

  12. Objectivity......... Added by: Geir
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 5:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I`m a norwegian, 22 years old. Last summer I spent 10 days in Croatia. My friends and I were in a town called Rab. I got really sick, and had no insurance. The old lady we stayed with called the local "hospital". They said I could come right over. I was severely dehydrated and was put on an I.V. (0.3 liters of saltwater). I also got some pills. For this I paid next to nothing. All the people we met during our stay were very helpful. Maybe, because I`m tall and blonde. But still, it can`t be all that bad.............

  13. Hello again.... Added by: Anita (
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 13:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I really hope people reading these posts aren't totally
    turned off of visiting Croatia. That would be a shame.
    After all, the war is going to decrease tourism enough. I'm
    sorry to hear that some Italians feel they have been mistreated.
    It would be nice to hear from other Italians who have visited
    this country to see how they were treated.
    And to CV - Thanks for your kind words. I hope you can make
    it down to the coast. And by all means, do write me directly.
    I will be departing June 4. Talk to you soon!

  14. Croatia Added by: Scribble
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 22:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My experiences of Croatia have been very pleasant - great
    scenery, water, weather... But the hitching sucks! Natives
    seem really suspicious of foreigners and tend to shy away
    from them. This makes some Croatians seem unfriendly, but I
    don't think it's necessarily the case.

  15. I just gotta add to this Added by: Marko
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 3:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a born Croatian from Zagreb, who has lived there from
    age 0 to age 17. Every year I spend about 4 months there.
    It is nice that Anita is offering nice views and bla bla
    bla. But here's the real story... Croatia's coast is f*****
    expensive and I wouldn't pay a cent to spend my summer
    there. It is cheaper to go to Spain than to Croatia.
    Croatians are rude (especially southerners - we in Zagreb
    are not much better) and we all think that we are above
    everyone else (that's why seldomly people stop to pick you
    up). Everybody there thinks that they have some kind of
    right to stuff (such as seats in the bus). Adriatic coast
    is very nice and definitely worth seeing. If you could take
    all the people out, it'd be very very nice. Those morons
    over there do not realize that the entire economy depends
    on tourism. The country is definitely not tourist friendly
    (certain exceptions apply). You will only get ripped off.
    So, if you're debating between Croatian and some other
    coast - GO ELSEWHERE!!!

  16. Life is beautiful Added by: Open-eyed traveller
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 4:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Anita,
    I am feeling that I have to say something positive. You come
    across as a very thoughtful person who has taken time to
    enjoy her Croatian heritage. The people who have written in
    response to your posting have been very biased. Yes, we
    could all spend our holiday money running off to places like
    Spain (that practically every European goes to) not because
    it will be the best place, but because it is cheap. I
    thought that the Lonely Planet would attract people who seek
    a "different" type of holiday from the ususal "Ibiza"-style
    holiday. Croatia offers a chance to look at the past and the
    present of a developing nation. Tourists would be better
    served if they tried to experience the country they travel
    to, rather than bring all their "baggage" of how a country
    should be towards them. There are many places in this world
    that are off the beaten track, and Croatia is one of these
    places. I am one who intends one day to have my footprints
    found basking under the warm skies of a Croatian sun. So
    keep us informed Anita of what Croatia has to offer. Maybe I
    will see you there some day. And for those who think I am
    biased ...... Italy is a lovely country too .... viva

  17. Problems? Added by: Stefano
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 16:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live in Roma and have been going to Croatia for vacation
    now for 5 year. I go to the island of Cres near rijeka
    (fiume in italian) and love it. The croatians have always
    been nice and friendly to my friends and my whole family, I
    reccommend it it anyone....italian, german or anyone. The
    coast is just as expensive as any other tourist coasts are
    and I am glad to spend my money there, there is nothing
    more graet than spending time in an unspoiled (and un
    comecialised) atmospere like Croatia. People do not know
    what they miss by not going to Croatia..

  18. STEFANO Added by: Al/Milano
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 23:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Stefano, evidentemente abbiamo parametri diversi. Molti
    croati sono 'unfrendly' per non dire ostili con noi
    italiani. Certo se non parli MAI di politica, non fai il
    minimo accenno alla questione dei poveri istriani, lodi il
    presidente Tujman...SEI IN PARADISO! Ma se ti scappa una
    mezza parola contro la linea politica ufficiale...allora
    diventi FASCISTA (e le altre parole non le capisci perchΘ
    sono in croato!) Buone vacanze in Croazia....

  19. sad Added by: local
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 7:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To Al/Milano,
    you can take Tudjman and stick it to your...
    If you know so much about Croatian constitution, why don't
    you tell us something about position of minorities in Italy
    (Austrians in Tirol, Slovenians and Croatians in Trieste. If
    you want to ask rights for Italians in Croatia you mast be
    prepared to give the same rights for Croatians in Italy.
    History, what do you know about it? Try to read book Gli
    sposi di Via Rosseti by Fulvio Tomizza and you will find out
    something about it.
    Nationalism? Bla,bla...Remember Garibaldi. Why are you so
    critical to our desire for independence?
    Maybe you really had bad expirience in Croatia (I'm sorry
    for that), but the story always have 2 sides. The main
    problems with some (NOT ALL) Italians visiting Croatia is
    that they behave like it is still occupied by Italy as it
    was 50 years before.
    Venetians and Romans - were they Italians? I'm not so sure.
    See you

  20. My God!! Added by: Al/Milan o
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 0:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As far as I know, Mr. Tudjman fucks you...not me.
    This 'masturbation' if venetians and romans were italians
    is a non sense... Please don't be so silly!
    There are minorities in Italy who have ALL the rights (in
    Sud Tyrol for example). Unfortunately it's not the same in
    Croatia (not only for italians, but also for serbians,
    austrians, etc.).
    I think that Italy is a democratic country, Croatia...not
    yet. Kisses from Milan!

  21. My God Added by: Darko (
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 22:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Italy democratic.... hmmmmmm!!!?
    I am sorry if Al/Milan/T had some bad experiences in
    Croatia but how do we know that it was not down to you lot.
    I mean, surely you can't go on holiday somewhere and not
    complain about something.
    I can see the difference here between Stefano and you lot,
    he goes on holiday to enjoy himself, you to find something
    to complain about. It's like when English people go to
    Spain and complain that they can't find a Fish and Chips
    shop anywhere. Doh.
    BTW... stop dreaming about Istria, it'll never be yours.
    BTW 2. i find most of the Italians rude, pig-headed and
    rather bad at driving. Not to mention the prices.

  22. ..... Added by: Sanjin (
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 0:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Al/Milan!My granmother have really good chance to taste Italian hospitality when Italians put here in concentration camp.You talk about Italians who were forced to live Croatia.Excuse,but on which side was Italy in WWII.You speak like Croats were agressors who were trturing poor inocent Italians.
    Stefano,is sombedoy took your seat in the bus it was probably because he had reservation and you didn't.If you had reservation nobody would be able to take your seat.
    P.S.If you don't like Tudjman that's your problem.And what about that big democrat U.Bossi.Oh,and what was name of that other big Italian democrat.Oh,yes,Mussolini.

  23. WHAT A CONFUSION!!! Added by: Al/Milano
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 17:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    CROATIA: I said that they were forced to leave ISTRIA!
    Bossi, Tujman and Mussolini? All fascist shit!
    My grand father was killed by croatians in the Carso just
    because he was suspected to be fascist!
    Think about it!
    SUMMER IN CROATIA??? no thanks!

  24. Enough Al/Milano Added by: Seraphine
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 6:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I cannot believe the propaganda you keep on throwing on
    croatia. I am an American who has travelled troughout all
    over easter europe and have been to croatia a number of
    times. I had a wonderful time and I will go again, I am
    sorry if you had a bad experience, I really do think it is
    more than that write from your own personal
    grudges, NOT from your experiences. I feel very sorry for
    you, and hope you get a new hobby sometime soon, instead of
    your pathetic attempt to rid travellers from Croatia.
    Travellers, you will have the time of your life in Croatia,
    the only problems you will encounter is arrogant,
    uncultured people like this man who will try and stop you
    from going.
    Have a blast!

  25. Yes enough! Added by: Al/Milano
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 17:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Seraphine, are you really american? Mmmm...I am not sure.
    You are FREE to visit your croatians friends...not to tell
    me what is good and what is wrong... If you really are an
    american you are an ignorant one...
    Have a blast!

  26. not American? Added by: seraphine
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 2:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why wouldent I be american? I am proud and love my country,
    is there a problem with that? If you dont believe me that
    is your problem, why would I pretend to be otherwise? All I
    wanted to do is tell the people that it is a great place to
    visit, unlike the hate you depict. How dare you, you
    uncivilized bastard, call me ignorant? As EVERYONE on this
    post has seen you are the ignorant one who refuses to
    travel or even see it as a new country because of his own
    personal problems. You are a sick person.

  27. Seraphine....are you mad? Added by: Al/Milano
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 21:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No, you are not american. I am sure you are croatian. But
    you are ignorant of european problems and vulgar. Read the
    previous posts, and you will discover that most of
    croatians are unfrendly with italians....This is not only
    my opinion. If you say the contrary you lie ar you don't
    know the situation.
    Please don't waist your time and my time insulting me and
    trating me as a sick person(?).
    The question was not if Croatia is really a beautiful
    country (it is, of course), but if croatians are frendly
    with foreigners. And, believe me or not, some croations are
    unfrendly with italians. That's all! Try to control
    yourself otherwise the sick you! Big kisses from

  28. arghhhhh Added by: seraphine
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 1:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am American, nothing else, and I really do not give a
    shit if you believe me or not. You know what? I cannot put
    up with you, I am astounded by everything that comes out of
    your mouth.
    I'll send you a postcard from croatia when I go again....a
    nice one from Rijeka (not Fiume)..and umag (not
    umago)....I'll be thinking of you while I lay on the
    beautiful beaches...hahahah..
    lots of love

  29. poor seraphine.... Added by: Al/Milano
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 17:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear faulse american, you can't change the history of
    You are free to call Umago Umag and Fiume Rijeka...but it
    proves that you are croatian, not american.

  30. poor seraphine.... Added by: Al/Milano
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 17:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear faulse american, you can't change the history of
    You are free to call Umago Umag and Fiume Rijeka...but it
    proves that you are croatian, not american.

  31. poor seraphine.... Added by: Al/Milano
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 17:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear faulse american, you can't change the history of
    You are free to call Umago Umag and Fiume Rijeka...but it
    proves that you are croatian, not american.

  32. poor seraphine.... Added by: Al/Milano
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 17:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear faulse american, you can't change the history of
    You are free to call Umago Umag and Fiume Rijeka...but it
    proves that you are croatian, not american.

  33. whatever Added by: Seraphine
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 1:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    That was such a sweet you try and pick up all of
    your girls like that? Wow, you are a cute one arent you. I
    am not croatian, repeat I am not croatian, the reason I
    know so much about all of this is because I have a masters
    degree in Eastern European Studies (Slavic Studies) from
    Dartmouth College. If you dont know what a masters is just
    email me and I'll explain to you the concept. Anyways I
    love croatia, and not even your fabled "italian istria"
    ignorance can take that away.
    love lots

  34. aaaaaaa Added by: Sanjin (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 6:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You've said that Italians weren't forced to leave Croatia but Istria.Well,I have some news for you-Istria is Croatia.And you know what-you can freely call Pula-Pola because we are tolerant.I really don't understand why do you keep talking how Italians are not welcome in Croatia.I'm 19yo and in my 19 years of life I never heard that any Italians were saying how they are not welcome,quite the opposite.I spend my summer in Cres and it's full of Italians and they all say how thy feel great over here.
    More one thing.You are the fascist.You obviously have pretension for Croatian coast and you belong to "iredenta".
    That's all!
    P.S.You're free to call Pula-Pola but than I'm also free to call Trieste-Trst-it should have gone to us after WWII.
    Seraphine-have a nice time in Croatia.

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