This topic was created by CV
[Wed 19 May, 19:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

This may be one for the girlfolk out there...
OK so no Euro holiday is complete without the souvenirs and
stuff. So to go home with a more Euro wardrobe (no, not
leiderhosen or however you would spell that!? ), I was
hoping those in the know could help with the following dumb
questions or not:
Is Milan purely a top shelf expensive place to shop for
Where is the best-cheapest place to buy a good leather
jacket and leather shoes?
Does anyone have any tips-contacts in regard to shopping in
Italy - ie factory outlets or anywhere else I am targetting
for summer hols..Hungary, Czech,Turkey.
Any info would be grand.

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 0:39]

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  1. leather in Turkey Added by: Amelia
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 0:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For leather clothing (coats too)and bags I can recommend
    Turkey. The only placed I really shopped to buy leather
    was in Seljuk (not far from Izmir on the west coast), but
    you can get good deals on nice things from the
    manufacturers' warehouses. It shouldn't be difficult to
    find these places. They actually function as part of a
    "shop-tour" system in which plane- or busloads of tourists
    from different countries are brought in en mass with the
    express purpose of buying leather. Many of these people
    are shopowners in their home countries. You can also get
    there individually - if all else fails ask about
    wholesalers in a shop - and you'll be able to better
    discounts. Even for only one item you should be able to
    get 40-60% off the ticket price.

  2. leather in Turkey Added by: Amelia
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 0:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try shopping in Turkey for good leather clothing and bags.
    The only place I actually shopped to buy was in Seljuk, on
    the west coast, but leather clothing is i large industry in
    Turkey. Locate the manufacturers' warehouse - these places
    actually participate in something called the "shop-tour"
    where whole loads of foreigners are bused in expressly to
    shop. Many of these people are shop owners at home. My
    point is, that it shouldn't be too difficult to find these
    warehouses, and if all else fails you can ask in a
    boutique. As an independent shopper you should be able to
    get at least 40-60% off the sticker price. Good luck!

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