
This topic was created by michael (
[Fri 7 May, 8:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi, I was looking to travel through China and Tibet in
early August. Ideally I would like to fly to Lhasa from
Bejing and then return overland on buses and trains etc.
Does anyone have any news/advice regarding how expensive
this could be and whether I could just turn up and go or if
i needed to book ahead for visas and permits?
Is it also possible to do this trip in only 2-3 weeks?
Thanks for any help!

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Sat 15 May, 22:44]

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  1. Tibet Added by: Allan (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 22:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am currently in NW China having gone overland from
    Dehli/Nepal/Tibet. If you only have 2-3 weeks I highly
    recommend that you obtain you Chinese visa in HK and go to
    Kathmandu. You can either to the border and hirer a jeep
    with some fellow backpackers or you can go with one of the
    travel agencies identified in the NEW 1999 March edition of
    the LP Tibet. Three of the four agencies identified in the
    planet want to invalidate your visa and replace it with a
    tourist visa so that you are forced to purchase a return
    air ticket from them. You can also book your air ticket
    from Lhasa to Chengdu or Beijing with the agency. You
    should be able to do this all over the internet before you
    leave. Good Luck!

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