Caucasus/Middle East?

This topic was created by Robin (
[Mon 24 May, 21:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Does anybody have a clue on travel in the Caucasus
countries, particularly Georgia and Azerbaijan? I am
planning a trip from Karachi (Pakistan) to Athens (Greece)
via Iran, Turkmenistan (I already have a visa invitation),
Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, but fear that as I have been
able to find so little out about the Caucasus, I may have to
re-route. The only vaguely useful info is in the Trailblazer
Asia Overland guide, but it's so sketchy.
Or would it be a better trip to go from Iran to Turkey and
then south to Istrael? Does anybody know how cheaply I could
pick up a flight to London from Israel?
Back to the Caucasus and Turkmenistan: how likely am I to
find other travellers there? Is there much to see? How long
should I allow to do these places justice (I have three
months in total, and intend to spend about a month in Iran)?
How much is shoestring travel there likely to cost? What's
the climate like? And would anybody be interested in joining
me? I'm a 20-year old UK student who has so far been to
India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, China, Pakistan, Burma,
Cambodia and Tunisia. I consider myself pretty adventurous,
but do like to take it easy with a beer/check out clubland
too (though obviously not in Paklistan, Iran, etc.!)
I have very little time really to get the visas (I have the
Iranian and Pakistan ones already, plus the Turkmen
invitation), so may just go for the Israel option unless
somebody can help me fairly soon: I am flying out from
London Heathrow on 19th June... .
All advice etc. would be VERY gratefully received!

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 3:24]

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  1. Caucasus Added by: TWC (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Find out more by joining the Caucasus Travel Mailing List:
    send a blank email to

  2. Beer and clubland? Added by: Yawn (...)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 3:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi, just wanted you to know that you will probably not find
    much in the way of "beer and clubland" in the Caucasus(yes,
    drink is everywhere, though). Travel in the Caucasus and
    Central Asia is a lot less upbeat than say, Iran and
    Pakistan. You are likely to be out of the company of
    foreigners for extended periods of time. There are no
    restaurants that serve banana pancakes. There are a lot of
    surly, nasty official who will use your vulnerability to
    enrich themselves. All in all, I would say go. It is very
    interesting precisely because it is not a well worn
    traveller's path with beer and clubland. But do be prepared
    for a lot of the interest to be in the form of "how could
    they make life so dim?" I will say, that the Cacasus in
    general kick Turkmenistan's ass as a destination. They are
    just among the FSU's more vibrant places, so they can keep
    one a bit more interested.
    good luck, count yerself a trailblazer and stay out of real

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