I know....

This topic was created by Char
[Sun 2 May, 2:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I know that this is a rather broad question, but what is
China like? Can you compare it to any other countries? I'm
interested in going, but I'd like some more info. Thanks.

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Fri 14 May, 22:42]

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  1. Well... Added by: Yawn (...)
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 12:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    China is big and varied. It has a climite and geography
    that is more varied than any country save the U.S. It has
    people. Lots of people. The cities are more crowded than
    anywhere except maybe Cairo, Calcutta, etc...There is very
    little visiable culture that dates before 1950-- lots of
    concrete buildings, very few pagodas. The food is great and
    extremely varried-- imagine France on a grand scale(except
    almost NO cheese). It is very unsettling at times for a
    westerner-- you will be stared at. A lot. You will be
    treated in a million different ways. You will see people
    angry(VERY!) and generous(VERY!) and you will probably see
    people fight a lot. You will find lots of cheap consumer
    goods and a smattering of higher quality western items. You
    will see more expensive cognac than you can imagine. You
    will see even more muay-thai than expensive cognac. You
    will see lots of nose-picking and spitting. You will see
    lots of stores selling ginseng. You will see the contry
    that has changed the most in the century. I would recommend
    going! Though the "communists" are still in power, the
    state ain't sick like it is in the former U.S.S.R.
    countries. Civil administration is pretty good and you will
    probably not have many problems with officials. Bicycles
    are everywhere(not Chungqing, though) and trains and buses
    are often packed....
    Any more questions? Definately go, you might find it
    unpleasant at times, but it is really fascinating country.

  2. Exiting about China Added by: Inva
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 3:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I visited China about 5 yers ago, starting i Bejing. Bejing was Ok. Went by train southwards to Xian. By that time i was really pisses by spitting traveling Chineese. SO I just wanted to get the f... out of that country. BUT then i came further south to Lijiang, Chengdu, Ruili, Wandiang, just to mention a few, and I was in heaven.. It was just a pity that my visa expired to soon.
    So what you should do: Get to the middle and southern part of the country, and as far away from the large and big cities as you can. The people in the countryside are extremely nice, and dont be surprised if You are invited to have dinner with them, to stay at their place, beeing invited to a festival and so on. Mostly they are interested in you as a person, and not in your dollars(as they are in the cities). But remember some of the families might "use you" to gain status in the willage. -"Hey I'm hosting/inviting/sharing experience with a foreigner! -How cool I'am". But don't worry about that. Just be aware of it.
    So a good/fun tip: You wil always have the plan of travelling from A to B. But if you see a nice village on the road, dont hesitate jumping of the bus. You migh pop into the happening of your life!!
    Nice Journey

  3. different Added by: anne
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 5:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I visited china twice: 7 years ago, and 1,5 year ago: a
    difference, bigger than between night and day. but i LOVE
    china, try to read a lot (esp. Jung Chang wild swans), take
    your time and enjoy !!!
    good luck

  4. Thanks Added by: Char
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 22:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for the above advice. Now a more specific question:
    which places would you recommend I visit? Also, what is the
    work situation like In China? Is it fairly easy to do
    volunteer work, or is it a big problem?

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