
This topic was created by Law (
[Sun 2 May, 0:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi all, I'm planning a trip to
Xinjiang this June. Have
anyone got any info about
Minfeng? How long does it
take to get to Minfeng from
Koria (Kuerle) ? (Thru Cross-
Desert Highway?) Thanks.

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Thu 6 May, 3:15]

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  1. Maybe it helps Added by: Tu (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 3:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello! Law,
    Since it seems no one answers, I'll try to give you a little
    Last October I made the trip from Hotan to Kuqa through the
    highway. Minfeng is a very little town with the only one
    street. It is just a midway stop from Korla (Kuerle) to
    Hotan. The buses on the highway are running at night, for
    the reason you can imagine (the climate). I think it takes
    one night and a half day to get Minfeng from Korla (Korla -
    Luntai - the highway - Minfeng). You know the length of the
    highway is 540 Km, from Luntai to Minfeng.
    I am curious to know why you want to visit Minfeng. Its
    Ughur name is Niya, famous for the ancient town Niya in the
    desert 130 Km north of the new town. The ancient town (or
    ruins) had been under sands for more than 1,000 years
    untill Aurel Stein "discovered" it in January, 1901. To
    reach the ruins visitors need at least one day by jeep and
    two days camel-back.
    Another important site near Minfeng is the Grand Mazar, or
    mausoleum. It is said the buried saint is the fifth-
    generation grandson of the Prophet Mohammed. This mazar
    perhaps is the holiest one for the Ughur Muslims in south
    Xinjiang. They believe that seven pilgrimages to this mazar
    are equivalent to one Hadji, the pilgrimage to Mecca. This
    mazar is about 100 Km north of Minfeng. Once again, it is
    hard to reach there. Pilgrims trekked to the mazar every
    If you are going to those two sites, you'll need a local
    travel agency (in Urumqi or Kashi) to arrange the trip.
    Y. T.

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