Lhamo Lhatso and Tsari

This topic was created by cycler
[Mon 24 May, 20:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I get two months off from August 15th to October 15th. I
would like to head for Lhasa and then go to do the treck
around the Lhamo Lhatso (150km NW of Lhasa). After that get
back to the holy city and get to the region north of
Bhutan, called Tsari (150km SE of Lhasa).
Anybody out there to know these destinations and to be able
to answer the following questions:
Is it possible to hire a yak somewhere on the beginning of
the trecks?
Is there a possibility to do it on your own (without a yak
or a horse)?
Tibetan climate in Sept., Oct. - which temperatures to face?
Any interesting temples beside Kachu?
Thanks - Bhod rangbtsen!

[There are 0 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 20:57]

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