Photographs of the silk route in China.

This topic was created by beibu
[Fri 30 April, 18:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

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[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Sun 16 May, 21:21]

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  1. Photos Added by: Gordon (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 13:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The farther you travel west the photo ops. become----more
    interesting. If you are in kashi on Oct.1, it is a holiday
    you will never forget. Take lots of film and remember the
    "golden rule"---always ask permission!!! You will be
    pleased by the answer. Have a great holiday.
    Good Luck

  2. silk road Added by: elik (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 21:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i'm on my way to centrel asia. any info will be a graet help.
    thanks in advence,

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