
This topic was created by terry (
[Sat 17 April, 11:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Does anyone have any information on how to get from
Tehran,Iran to Ashgabat or Tashkent? I'm planning on
visiting Iran this summer with a group. I would like to
connect with another tour that starts in Ashgabat or
Tashkent. None of the major airlines (USA) seems to even
know where these places are. Is it expensive? Is it
possible to go overland? Any information would be most
welcome. Thanks

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Sat 17 April, 16:03]

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  1. Yes, there are ! Added by: Amir (
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 16:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are direct flights from Tehran to both cities you
    mentioned ( Ashgabat and Tashkent )as well as indirect
    flights ( cheaper ones ) from Mashad. I went to Ashgabat
    last July!
    E.g. Tehran-Tashkent (direct): $150
    There are several daily bus services from Mashad to
    Ashgabat. So you can go over-land too. Takes about 4 hours,
    depending on how long they delay you at border.
    P.S. You got my mail of April 14th?

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