NATO bombed Chinese embassy

This topic was created by Curious
[Sun 9 May, 3:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

How does this incident affect foreigners in Beijing or China
as a whole?
Any first-hand info?

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 15:03]

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  1. Travel Advisories Other than State Department and the FCO Added by: Buckwheat
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 9:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Here is a travel safety site that has always been ahead of
    the State Department and is usually more accurate despite
    thier funny name.
    "Real World Asia - Travel Warning - Peoples Republic of
    China - (May 7-June 1) - An accidental bombing of the
    Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia has led to
    government-run anti-United States demonstrations including
    physical attacks on the US Embassy and harrassment of
    foreign citizens. Real World Rescue assesses that travel
    to China is not in jeopardy over the long term (unless
    something catastrophic occurs e.g. China and US break
    Diplomatic Relations). The US State Department has issued
    a warning on immediate travel to China. Be advised that
    despite recent improved relations, China remains an
    autocratic, hard-line, state-run communist dictatorship.
    Protests seen on television are carefully orchestrated by
    the Government of China. We assess the protests will
    abruptly stop within the week once political goals are
    met. Recognize that in the past the Chinese government,
    has specifically ordered foreigners attacked, detained or
    arrested. We do not believe this will occur but
    spontaneous attacks by student nationalists may be allowed
    leading up to the 10th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square
    massacre. Real World Rescue advises that China travel
    conditions will return to normal by June 1st and that
    travel afterward should be relatively safe."

  2. what about Tibet Added by: loki
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 10:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What about travel in the next two weeks? I'm supposed to be
    traveling through Tibet in 11 days? Will it be safe?

  3. JAWJAW NOT WARWAR Added by: dav
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 18:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hopefully people from the US, the UK, France, Germany,
    Italy, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands and Portugal are
    affected at least as much as the innocent people of
    Belgrade are being affected by bombs from the US, the UK,
    France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands
    and Portugal.

  4. URGENT ADVICE REQUIRED! Added by: European Traveller
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 18:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am meant to set off to Hong-Kong and South-East of China
    (Guantxi, Yunnan and Hainan) this Sunday coming BUT I am
    considering changing my holiday destination due to the last
    demonstrations and protests against occidentals.
    Could anyone travelling right now around any of the
    mentioned areas advise me about how safe it is backpacking
    two Spanish girls by themselves. I am worried about
    possible individual and sporadic attacks against us for the
    fact of being Westerns and speak English.
    Thank you very much for your advice.

  5. no prob Added by: just been to china
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 13:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just left China 2 days ago (from Urumqi/Xinjiang) and I
    didn't even know what has happened. I had no problems
    whatsoever (I'm Swiss). I discussed (tried to keep it low
    level) Yugoslavia with a Chinese guy who insisted that
    Milosevic is a hero (the general Chinese opinion I suppose
    especially after what happened). Still there was no problem,
    although I told him that in my opinion Milosevic is a
    Don't worry about your safety, it should be all right.

  6. China Added by: Allan (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 22:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a US citizen currently traveling in NW China city of
    Urumqi. A week ago things were a little tense. I had
    about 300 demonstrators outside my hotel and again later
    that day at another location. They were chanting "down
    with America". I have also seen some rather nasty hate
    mail at some of the internet cafes. I have talked with
    other backpackers who were in Beijing and Chengdu during
    the demonstrations. Some were very concerned. Things
    appear to have quieted down now that the bodies have
    returned to China but the China Daily is continuing to
    flame the fires. The Chinese goverment has blocked many
    internet cites and I have been unable to access Clinton's
    apology on the internet and am unable to access CNN or BBC
    web pages. I have spoken to one very angry individual who
    believes it was deliberate and another who encouraged me an
    believed that it was a mistake. My personal recommendation
    is if you are traveling to China in the very near future is
    to try and stay away from some of the large university
    cities such as Chengdu or Beijing. In another month things
    should be quiet. I believe that the Chinese goverment will
    continue to flame the fires until the 10th anniversary of
    Tiamen passes. Happy traveling!

  7. Travel to Tibet Added by: SC
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 15:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    China southwest airlines flying out of kathmandu to lhasa
    turned back some US and UK travellers, and would not let
    them fly to lhasa, that was since bombing. Up to a week ago
    this was still a problem for UK and US passport holders.

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