Baseball Cards in Cuba

This topic was created by Steve (
[Thu 6 May, 3:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

If you have the opportunity to travel to Cuba, try to get
your hands on as many American baseball cards as possible
before you go. If you can find cards of Cuban players (Rey
Ordonez, Livan Hernandez, etc), it's that much better. I
was in Cuba in March and brought a stack of baseball cards
along to hand out to the locals. It was a great way to
meet the average everyday Cuban. They absolutely loved
looking at all the photos. While it's not providing them
with basic necessities of life (as would medicine or
toiletries), it does bring a great amount of joy into their
lives. And for that they were always very grateful. I met
many smiling Cubans this way.

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Thu 6 May, 22:59]

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  1. Cuban Collectors Added by: "Oakes"
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 13:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We did the same last Spring with Basketball Cards. They
    seemed more important to them than the soap, pens, and

  2. besibol cards Added by: expeditor of dreams
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 22:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    si..did the same and found some to bring home for my son
    and a collector friend and they went wild...el duque [sp]
    and a few others i can't recall are worth some bucks here.
    also,found some rare comic books and movie posters,once
    again for my son,the collector.taking tshirts and besibol
    caps was a treat for my friends,also...ciao,e

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