This topic was created by SG
[Wed 5 May, 16:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am going to the virgin islands for a month this June and
am really excited, BUT, I keep on reading in all the travel
books that crime is quite prevalent. It's starting to
really bug me. Is the crime there really that bad? Is it
actually stupid to walk around at night, or rather go out
to bars? Somebody please tell me not to worry so much.

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Thu 6 May, 1:25]

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  1. Virgin Islands crime Added by: brad (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 1:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When people speak of Virgin Island crime they are speaking specifically of the area of Charlotte Amalie in St. Thomas. St. John and St. Croix are not immune to crime (what place in the world is) but it is not problematic like St. Thomas.
    Assaults and crimes of violent nature are not uncommon in St. Thomas but I think it is much more prevalent at night than during the day. During the day the streets are packed with people and I did not feel unsafe at all. But at night, I must admit that I was nervous. I remember walking alone from the Waterfront up to my hotel (Hotel 1829). It was not a far walk but it was uphill (steep) the whole way. I started to walk, then realized that I was walking at a brisk pace, then jogging, and before I knew it I was at a full sprint up the hill. It was very dark, there was nobody around, and I felt completely vulnerable. Nothing happened to me but if you read the local papers you will see that crime is a problem there. Feel free to email me

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