Reservations in Jamaica

This topic was created by Sid in VT
[Sun 11 April, 1:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am planing a 3 week stay in Jamaica in July. I have picked
out a number of small inns and guesthouses where I am
interested in staying. The question I have is how does one
make reservations at these smaller, out-of-the-way places
without having to run a large international long distance
phone bill? Are reservations necessary? Most travel agents
can't/won't make arrangments as these smaller places do not
pay commissions. I surfed the web and I have not found much
help. Any suggestions would be welcome.

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Tue 18 May, 23:40]

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  1. Reservations in Jamaica-Attn:Sid Added by: Richard (
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 7:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sid, you can look at some Inns of Jamaica by pointing your
    browser to this URL -
    If you do not find anything of interest at the website, it
    is not comprehensive in its coverage of the small hotels,
    then go to the Jamaica Tourist Board's website at -
    On the website you will see the link "email directory to
    company", make use of it. You will also see a list of
    available material from the board.
    If you have any problems with the info. I have given you
    feel free to e-mail me.

  2. Reservations in Jamaica-Attn.Sid Added by: Richard (
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 7:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sid, my previous message is off base as I had mis-read your
    post. I had not noticed that you have already selected some
    names. The Jamaica Tourist Board may be able to help you
    with e-mail addresses or fax numbers.
    The first website I gave you does give fax numbers for the
    hotels listed, maybe you have chosen one of those listed on
    the website. Hope I have helped.

  3. Some links to peruse Added by: JohnJohn
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 9:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Can you find your selections in these listings?
    You can also try a direct query to islanders and tourists by
    going to then going down to the Interact
    link, then selecting Tourist Message Board. There is also
    another link directory behind this site at

  4. inbound Agent Added by: cam
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 23:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    try - they are an inbound travel agent
    (mainly deal with trade) but they may be able to book them
    for a small fee.

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