The truth and nothing but

This topic was created by Cuban boy
[Fri 21 May, 9:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

it sounds like many of you anticubans are Latinamericans
living off your life under the baton of uncle sam! That's
ok...but stop criticizing the Cubans...If there is a country
and its people at the present time who are accepted and
admired by the whole world, this is Cuba and the
cubans...The rest of the hispanic world is having a hard
time emigrating in Europe or USA, where they do not seem to
be quite welcome,as I should say...the cubans...Maybe those
hispanics should do something a bit better to get much
acceptance...After all, most things and people we criticize
and judge is because we want to be like them...And this is
ok too! Ciao and Viva Cuba, the greatest Latin american
country in the world!

[There are 10 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 2:56]

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  1. And... Added by: Jan
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 15:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    so do you agree that socialism has created "mooches" out of
    the cuban people? or they are just manipulative? Or are
    most decent people?
    Just wondering since this seems to be the latest hot topic.
    Me? Hey, i have just been a regular tourist there without
    encountering any problems whatsoever.

  2. Jan Added by: LondonLass
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 22:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Jan - what's a "mooch"?
    Don't know if this is an American/Canadian word, but we're
    not familiar with it on this side of The Pond.

  3. next question,please Added by: Gringo
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 23:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mooch is slang for leech

  4. Hey cuban boy Added by: Che Jr.
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 1:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nice mail. I agree with the sentiments.
    Remember that Fidel has a good word for all those traitors
    in Miami; 'gusanos' - worms. A good description I think.
    Boy, do those guys wriggle when Fidel is mentioned.

  5. Your illusions are pitiful Added by: To Che Jr.
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 7:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Cubans in the USA represent the most prosperous migration in
    many many years....Of all Latinamericans in USA, the cuban
    americans have the:
    1. highest percent of income per capita
    2. highest percent of educated people after HS
    3. highest percent of millionaires
    4. highest percent of CEO
    5. highest percent of professionals...
    Do you think CubanAmericans give a hoot about what Castro
    thinks? You might have been talking about those old people
    that left Cuba in the 50's and 60's...most of them too old
    to even talk...The new CubanAmerican generation, Sir Che's a different story! Beside, your name is
    rather comical...for Castro sent Che to Bolivia in a
    suicidal mission when he did not need him anymore...That is
    the great charisma possessed by the First Commander and
    president of the Island!

  6. Cuban boy and Che Jr Added by: Jean Pierre (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 12:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for your insight Cuban Boy and I share it.
    If your Cubans performs so well in USA,tell me then why many
    and most fails in Canada,besides our weather?
    Why many go back to Cuba?
    Can you answer that question?

  7. re #6 Added by: Another Cuban American
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 15:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Can you please ask the question in English so we can answer
    it? Thank you

    Cuban boy, where are you? Certainly not in Cuba.

  8. Also re: #6 Added by: Ruben
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 4:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can tell you why many foreigners fail in Quebec and move
    to U.S. including Cubans. Because they want to work! unlike
    the big majority of "quebequois."
    Only lazy people stay in Canada, because of its social
    system: which pays for a faily of four twice the minimum
    wage, and pays you in cash not food stamps. They can have a
    good appartment (quatre et demi) on the Montreal island, and
    have better life that working in any third world country. So
    why work, they are happy?
    For people with ambitions who did not want to leave their
    country but had to because of an idiotic dictator like
    Saddam Hussain, Castro o Milocevic, it is a different
    story. You arrive in Quebec, the Inmigration puts you in
    YMCA for free, while you looking for appartment, feeds you
    and gives you pocket money, then they pay your lawers and
    tell that you hav to wait for trial, and until you go
    through Inmigration trial you can not work. They put you on
    social help and expect you to be happy, because there are so
    many on that kind of wellfare help. If you get a work
    permit, many employers do not want to hire you because the
    social security starts with a special number, which
    identifies you as a refugee who is not a land inmigrant yet.
    Etc... etc...
    Plus, in order to get anywhere you have to speak both
    French, Fnglish, and "Quebequois language," which in
    comparison to French is what Ebonics are to English. So I
    said to my Inmigration Officer: I am going to U.S. I applied
    for asyllim on the Champlain border, received reply a month
    after, got on the border a work permit in two hours (I was
    three month in Montreal and still could not get one), and
    was told with a friendly smile: "go work so you can pay
    taxes." And you know what I love it here! It is not easy,
    but there is one thing Americans have it is to recognize
    talent and let you use it. If they know you can make money
    for them, they will give you a chance, a fat chance! If you
    can not make it in U.S. you will not make it anywere! LONG
    LIVE USA!!!!

  9. And Americans Added by: Ruben
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 4:13 Tasmanian Standard Time] not mind if your English is not perfect, which is my
    case, for exemple!

  10. #4 supplement Added by: Tony Montana
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Che Jr:
    Just a point, notice Fidel is gladly receiving $$ from Miami
    everyday. He has so much conviction that he's cursing the
    'gusanos' while courting a handout.
    Who you think you're kidding?

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