
This topic was created by Bruno (
[Thu 18 March, 11:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am an utter virgin. Please could someone give info on
Cuba that they wished they had had when they arrived for
their stay.

[There are 23 posts - the latest was added on Thu 8 April, 4:28]

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  1. Superabuela Added by: Linda
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 13:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    See post on Superabuela at approximately #4. It's a good
    place to stay in Havana. You could also stay with the
    neighbor, which charges less.

  2. Superabuela Added by: Linda
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 13:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    See post on Superabuela at approximately #4. It's a good
    place to stay in Havana. You could also stay with the
    neighbor, which charges less.

  3. Havana Added by: Linda
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 13:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go to for a good place to stay in
    Havana. I actually stayed at the neighbor's place for $15 a

  4. Prices! Added by: Diago
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 14:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think it always helps if you have a good idea of
    what you should pay whenever you go to a new country.
    The first time I went to Cuba, I gave the taxi driver
    $25 for a ride from the airport! I was used to New
    York prices. Suffice it say, he was quite happy!
    Anyway, you can save money (in Habana) by taking the
    Cuban taxis, which is essentially any car that is
    willing to pick you up. The price is always 10 pesos
    - which equals $0.50 USD - except at night, when it
    "might" cost a little more. If you take the tourist
    taxis, you will easily pay $3-$4 for a ride around
    A ride from the airport into Habana costs $10-$11.
    Even a $1 tip is GREATLY appreciated.....since Cubans
    are paid in pesos.
    ALWAYS check the prices when you go to a restaurant.
    They are notorious for "adjusting" prices on your
    The Cuban people get paid $10-$20 per month, on
    average. This way you can get an idea as to what
    would be a "good" tip.
    That's all I could think of right now. Hope it helps!

  5. Dance lessons Added by: Anny (
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 0:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wish I had had some addresses of dance teachers -
    eventually I found some but earlier would have been
    better. If you want to email me, I'll send you a few and
    also the houses where we stayed, and a couple to avoid.
    Also it would have been good to have better information
    about how to get between cities, because there are lots of
    alternatives - peso bus, dollar bus, train, private car,
    tourist coach... but otherwise it doesn;t matter that much,
    just have fun!

  6. Cuba's just the place for you. Added by: Pu±eta.
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 12:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Being an utter virgin, Cuba's just the place for you. The
    Cubans like to say that sex is like food, you go to bed
    unhappy if you don't have some everyday.

  7. Diago correct Added by: chris
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 2:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'd endorse what Diago (no.4) has said above as good advice

  8. You're a donut Bruno Added by: Road Warrior
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 2:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Bruno, I think you should stay at home, get in a few
    munchies, put your feet up and watch a wee bit of NYPD Blue
    - it's more your style. Besides, Cuba is full of bitches
    who might just want to give you a slap around the head for
    your troubles. Know your limits.

  9. valid question Added by: harry
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 March, 16:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't worry about what people say. That is a valid
    question. Cuba will be a paradise for you if you are a
    virgin. In fact, from my experience about 85 per cent of
    male tourists go to Cuba for sex. The government does not
    really discourage it becauses it brings in a lot of money.
    Anyway, you can have great sex with great women, but you
    have to pay for it 95 per cent of the time. But don't let
    that discourage you: Cuban women are open, uninhibited,
    very sensual and sexual and passionate. They love sex.
    I'll explain: People only make about 20-25 dollars a month.
    This means they need money from somewhere. Most girls
    aren't prostitutes, but when they meet a foreign man, they
    want money becasue they think we are all rich (compared to
    them we are). These are girls who sleep with Cuban men for
    free as opposed to many prostitutes who won't even consider
    Cuban men because they make too much from foreigners.
    The "good girls" who still ask for money usually are single
    mothers or have to support their parents. They usually live
    in very bad accommodation so they like staying with you in
    a nice bed, and getting nice attention from you. They LOVE
    SEX! Even when you pay. Not like prostitutes in your
    country or mine.
    In Cuba, if you go to a disco most of the girls are
    prostitutes which are called "jinitera's". I stayed with a
    couple of those, but I've heard some bad stories about
    them. They try to rob you when you sleep, so you have to
    kick them out when you finish with them. They will say no
    and say nice things so you make them stay, but DON'T FALL
    FOR IT. Pay about $25-30 for 2-3 hours. You can do whatever
    you want, kiss, touch, oral. It's Great.
    After a few days I met an Italian guy who always goes to
    Cuba. he told me the best thing to do is just to approach
    regular girls in the streets. He said just go up to girls
    who are sitting in the park or walking around and just ask
    them if they are free that night (learn some basic
    Spanish). They know what you mean, and if they are
    interested they will say "Yes I'm free" and you work out a
    time and place to meet. also discuss money. Offer 30
    dollars a night or 25 if you only want her for a couple of
    hours. I found that you can usually trust these girls to
    stay over the whole night, they are very sweet.
    I used this method and it worked for me. If a girl told me
    no I'm not free, I would just say okay and ask another.
    When they say yes and you stay with them one night, you
    will find that they don't want to let you go. They will
    fall for you and ask you to take them away from Cuba.
    The money you pay is more like a present than prostitution.
    The girls need the money. I love their company, they like
    to be with me, so I gave them a little present every night,
    not like real hookers in other countries. Like I said, just
    stay away from the "real prostitutes" who hang outside
    nightclubs. They are bad news. If you have to go with them,
    don't let them sleep over.
    I'm telling you all this because I wish I had known this
    before I went to Cuba. It is essential knowledge.
    Good luck Bruno,
    Harry Signal.

  10. Ugh! Added by: Diago
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 1:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    That was disgusting Harry! I'm sorry, but rather than being
    a prude, I'm just disgusted by your objectification of these

  11. Jesus, Harry Added by: Anny
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 March, 0:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For god's sake, if you must behave like a creep, do you
    have to be so blatantly open about it? Exploitation of
    women who are economically vulnerable isn't really
    something to crow about. Pathetic is what you are.

  12. Cut it out Added by: Bruno (
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 March, 3:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ok so Harry likes his hole...big deal. I too am a keen
    swordsman. However, by 'utter virgin' I meant that I have
    not travelled, not that I have never played hide the
    Anyway, thanks for the info.
    P.S road warrior shut the fuck up before I come over to
    your house and piss on your head.

  13. Bruno, you're a donut Added by: Road Warrior
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 March, 6:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hide the sausage, eh? Where have you been hiding your
    sausage Bruno, fucking Alcatraz?! I think you should stick
    to the Playboy channel freebies because you're sausage must
    be mighty shrivelled after this long without your jam role.
    Now, stop telling porky pies or I'll hose you down, king of
    the donuts. And Anny, let's have less of the blasphemy you
    silly little woman or you may just go to hell for your

  14. Oh like that is it Road Fucking Asshole? Added by: Anny
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 March, 23:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Harry, Bruno, Road Warrior - you deserve each other. It's
    pretty clear that none of you jerkoffs even HAS a penis
    (sausage? sausage? what IS that? how incredibly coy you
    all are).
    I sincerely hope you never make it to Cuba, Bruno, and I'm
    sorry I even took your message seriously for a moment. As
    for Harry, someone will stick a knife between your ribs
    before too long and good riddance. And Road Warrior...just
    another tiny dick complex. Why don't you all go back to
    the porn pages where you belong, and leave this site to
    real travellers?

  15. Anny, this is an idiot-free zone, please leave immediately Added by: Road Warrior
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 March, 2:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anny, I'm the most real traveller you're ever going to meet
    you silly little woman, a battle-scarred veteran of a
    thousand cheap hotels and rattling taxis. In short, I am a
    road warrior. I think you need a sausage injection up the
    shit pipe to settle your nerves - I'm sure Bruno would be
    more than happy to oblige. Now remember, don't let me see
    you here again!

  16. Oh I'm sooooo scared, Road Worm Added by: Anny
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 0:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Gosh "Road Warrior" I can tell from the big stupid noises
    you make that you've never even left the pub. Who cares
    how many crappy doss houses you've stayed in? You clearly
    didn't learn anything in any of them, except how to be
    incredibly stupid. Or maybe you were always that way.
    You're just a stupid jerkoff with a mind as small as your
    penis, who hates women and is obviously terrified of them.
    You are the one who doesn't belong on these pages,
    shithead. Go back to your porn magazines and Mrs. Palmer.
    And remember, don't let me see you here again, little
    stinking worm.

  17. Hot beef Added by: harry
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 6:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anny, have you ever had a fat cock in your mouth? By the
    sounds of it I don't think you've had the pleasure yet. It
    really would change your life for the better, broaden your
    horizons and open your eyes to the joys of hot beef. I
    think you should give it a go honey before it's too late.

  18. Obviously Added by: Anny
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 13:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you've tried it many times Harry, I'm sure you love it.

  19. Children children Added by: Bruno (
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 21:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You have all systematically fucked up my post. Anyone with
    any decent info would have pressed the back button as soon
    as they entered this page.
    Harry was the only one who gave any decent account of
    himself. You guys should open your minds to people rather
    than sitting in judgement like radamanthen.
    I'll take my leave....

  20. Wow Added by: Darrell
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 19:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have not laughed so hard in a long time. Really, this is
    what travelling is all about. Sometimes, you meet people
    you like and sometimes, you don't.
    Anny, don't take any shit from these guys. I love your
    Harry and Road Warrior,(what ever), she has boxed you guys
    into a corner and, as an unbaised party, it looks like
    you're out classed.
    Please feel free to reply but, don't think for a second
    that I might give a rats ass about you're opinion.
    Bruno, go to Cuba and have a good time.

  21. Good stuff Added by: Darrell
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 20:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have not laughed so hard in a long time. This is what
    travelling is all about. Sometimes, you meet people you
    like and sometimes, people you hate.
    Anyway, Anny I like your style, you sure don't take any
    Harry and Road Warrior(whatever), as an unbiased third
    party, it looks as though she has you boxed into a corner
    and you're obviously out-classed.
    Please, feel free to reply to my post but, don't think for
    one second that I give a rats ass about you're opinion.

  22. almost turned back! Added by: rhonda (
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 2:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I too am going to Cuba in the summer, so was intrested in
    this site... but then it turned into a freakin' trash mouth
    soap opera!! Jesus guys.... talk about turning a guy's
    words around!! Bruno... have a good time, travelling
    rocks... maybe see you there! and Amy.. intrested in more
    about Cuba ... what's with the dance lessons?

  23. Aussie Beachbum Added by: Who?
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 4:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I attempted to write you, Aussie beachbum, at the above
    email address. I tried with and without the word Aussie. If
    you want more information, please post your current email

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