scba in/near havana

This topic was created by bob
[Wed 19 May, 0:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

i like to know if someone can give me a tip where i can go
scuba-diving close to havana (i guess thereā”¤s no chance to
go IN havana?)

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 0:14]

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  1. Scuba dive in Havana Added by: Hugo
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sure Bob, you can scuba dive in Havana. I have never done
    so, but Cubans dive along the malecon most days. I have seen
    several strings of nice fish caught by Cubans with
    spear-guns. I have seen them bring up small lobsters from
    among the rocks along the shore.
    You might find diving more polluted going east from the
    Nacional Hotel overlooking the malecon as you approach the
    harbor. It is possible the point across the bay from Havana
    at El Moro would offer decent diving. I have seen boats
    anchored there, and it seemed that the peole were either
    fishing or diving.
    Perhaps someone could tell you what permission you might
    need from the authorities to dive. Possibly none would be
    needed. One of my abiding philosophies of life has always
    been: "It's easier to get forgiveness than to get
    permission." That could work for you in Cuba, but I am not

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