Seeking Facts about Cuba

This topic was created by Dina
[Tue 18 May, 17:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm trying to find out if it is true that young Cubans are
getting fined for interacting with tourists. A Cuban
college student told me that his friend was fined $1,300 for
being seen with his European girlfriend. The police assumed
that he was hustling her and fined him. Apparently she paid
the fine. Does anyone have facts on whether this kind of
fine is really happening and under what circumstances ? Is
there a way to register legally as boyfriend/girlfriend - or
is a declaration to the government a bad idea ? I'm
concerned about having these problems with my Cuban friends
when I visit there. I was stopped twice with a friend in
Havana, even though we were holding hands. Do the police
keep a record of someone's Identity Card number and then
accuse them of hustling tourists at a later time ? This is
what concerns my Cuban friend - he says that he will not
walk in public with me anymore. Looks like the repression
is getting worse, but it is hard to distinguish fact from
rumor with so much paranoia bei

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 9:08]

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  1. continued Added by: noAmericano
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 16:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well depends where you are on the island - it seems that the
    law is for all of the island - but it is up to the
    authorities in each of the areas as how they enforce it.
    Also the $1,300 is most likely in national pesos - could be
    wrong as I am only 99.9% sure for those who like to correct
    others ..... eeh ...... eeh !!!
    One way of getting around to it - go to the lawyer's office
    and get an "agreement of noviosa" this will cost you $150
    now the bad news - these are 150 Georgie Washingtons.
    Viva Cuba

  2. Question for noAmericano Added by: Who?
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your previous post indicated that you recently returned from
    many weeks of quality time on la isla de cuba.
    Congratulations! That knowledge will probably make many
    people who would like to be there hate you! Seriously, I
    have a question. You mentioned the "agreement of noviosa"
    and that it cost $150.
    I first heard of that when I was in Cuba in February and
    March, 1999. I heard about it from a Canadian who later
    informed me that he was not able to get it. He also had
    stated that the cost was $150US.
    I wrote about what I had heard, basically the same things
    you have said, in a post on the Thorntree. My post was
    ripped apart by "those who like to correct others", that you
    referred to. It may have been Bob or Jean Pierre, I really
    don't recall.
    Whomever it was who corrected my post indicated that the
    only thing he needed to do on his upcoming trip to Cuba was
    to get a letter for himself and his novia from the local CDR
    person for a few pesos which stated that she was an honest
    person, not a jinetera. He didn't explain how the police or
    the CDR could possibly know that his novia was an honest
    person and not a jinetera.
    One of his earlier posts indicated that he would get the
    letter from the police, then he changed it to the CDR.
    Could you tell us more about this agreement of noviosa? I
    doubt that we will get much feedback from the person who
    planned to get the letter from the local CDR for a few pesos
    if his plans self-destructed when got to Cuba.
    What were your impressions of the 'Cuban crackdown' which
    has been discussed on these pages since the first of the
    year? Many people would appreciate your views on these

  3. Fines Added by: Steve
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 22:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When I was in Cuba in March, I met a man on the Malecon.
    We started talking about things and after about half an
    hour, a policeman came over and began interrogating my new
    friend. I later ran into the guy and learned that he had
    been fined (about $20 I think) for simply talking with me.

  4. rip offs Added by: Zee
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think you'll find that some (only a few) Cubans will tell
    you they've been fined (when they haven't) in the hope that
    you'll pay their fine. Anyone else think the same??

  5. money hungry Added by: Wiseman
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 15:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This noviiosa agreement sounds like another cash grab to me!

  6. in reply to Who !!! Added by: noAmericano
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 20:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This is my opinion only - seeing that the government has
    been slammed by other countries [mainly that of the US] for
    human-rights on one hand and then with the other hand being
    seen all over the world on CNN as "The best little
    whore-house south of Florida" it had to take a position
    which could effectively look after both problems. This would
    allow them to separate the tourist from the girls and for a
    fee [which would put some extra hard currency in their
    pockets] allow the rights of the girls to date one (1) guy.
    NOW FOR FACTS .... there are three (3) types of law offices
    operating in Cuba and the one you should look for acts in
    International matters.

  7. ANSWER TO WHO Added by: Jean Pierre (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 8:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have replied on an ealier post that a Cuban can get a
    document by the police and then by the local CDR.
    I was so informed by my Cuban girlfriend and it seems the
    latest place is where to get it.
    Where is their local CDR'S,every Cubans know where it is.It
    is in their own neighboorhood and dictate their life....
    I do not know the value of such document and would not
    travel through the whole island with a woman who has one.
    The other document at $150 must have a better
    value,considering the price.
    My girlfriend also reserved our accomodation (a house) in
    Guanabo and believe me,the landlord would not risk it's
    permit,it's house and face 20 years in jail for a tourist
    and a Cuban woman.
    I personnaly look forward to at least one visit from the
    local police,since we will be registered together.We should
    not be bothered more in Guanabo,the word will spread around.
    A tourist with his 36 year old girlfriend.
    Common sense tells me also not to walk the Malecon and not
    hang around the Habana Libre where she could be questionned
    by the police,maybe arrested and brought to their station
    for a couple of hours and then released.
    Some friends were in Cuba in February and April,confirmed
    the restrictions and had a good laugh and many tourists were
    deprieved of what they expected....
    NO AMERICANO'S replies is very accurate.Reportage from CNN
    and from many other countries since 1996 is forcing the
    Cuban Government to react and such is the situation.
    Cuba wants it's tourists not be harassed by
    hustlers,jineteras etc.
    By the way,I do not want to correct others but simply state
    some facts and I do not spread rumors.
    If my girlfriend feels secure with a document from her local
    CDR,I conclude that she knows better than I do.
    By the way,also invited by a Cuban friend since 1994 and
    again the answer is:Every one knows you here,no problems...

  8. RUMORS Added by: Jean Pierre (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 9:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Cubans spread rumors and tourists do the same.
    A fine of $1,200 is $ 75 US as expected to be paid by the
    Seen that joke since 1995.
    People getting arrested for being with tourists:
    Some do and others dont.
    Figure it out and draw your conclusions.
    Police is more active:Yes but they may know who to arrest.
    What is the difference between a normal Cuban and one living
    out of Tourists?
    1-The first is most of the time at work,at least 11 months a
    2-The second wears the same clothes as you or the same
    quality and has no reason to be with you.
    3-Why a Cuban would stop a tourist on the Malecon for a
    friendly conversation? NO WAY.
    4-A Cuban student tells you,he cannot hang around with you.
    What about 2 students and you???
    5-I have a friend (woman)who never until married) met me
    alone but always with a girlfriend of her's.She was a
    The same who could spot another young woman trying to get
    my attention and called her a bitch (in english).
    Please stop spreading rummors and If you choose to visit
    Cuba act as a Cuban and choose your friends.

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