travel agents

This topic was created by traveller
[Thu 13 May, 11:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I've got to say that it seems like with very little research
I know more about my vacation destinations and how to get
there than most travel agents. And it doesn't take days to
get back to me with a firm price.
It seems to me that Sydney travel agents at least need to
life their game.
Is it just me or do others have the same problems? Are there
agents out there that you can recommend if I'm alone on this?

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Mon 17 May, 23:45]

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  1. correction Added by: traveller
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 11:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    that should have been "lift their game" not "life their
    game". Ah what the hell, the sentence was gramatically
    incorrect anyway...

  2. agents Added by: dvd (
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 12:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No, you are right the first time. Most of those disgusting
    little "toad in the holes" who sell tickets are in it for
    the easy money and the kickback commissions of booking the
    easy travellers. Most Thorntree type travellers are a little
    too adventurous and independent.

  3. I agree Added by: Jan M
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 13:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Unless you are very lucky and find a rare travel agent who
    wants to help you do something other than a package tour,
    you are better off doing it yourself and saving the
    commission. I had a great travel agent once but she quit
    becuse the big company she worked for told her she was
    'wasting time' finding out unusual things for me and
    others. But the internet, plus old fashioned letter writing
    to local government tourist offices plus every guide book
    you can buy and borrow from the library is enough to do it
    yourself. And you know a lot more when you arrive in the
    country than you would if someone else did your planning
    and booking. The only thing I have used a travel agent for
    in the last three years is to book plane flights, and I'm
    not going to do even that next time, because there are many
    good sites on the net now.

  4. Don't give up on us Added by: Roslyn
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 1:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We try hard really we do.Like most businesses we are
    suffering from budget squeezes which means too little staff
    so service drops. A lot of people out there think we add
    our commission to hotels/tours etc but in fact we don't. It
    costs the same to book a hotel with us (actually we normally
    can get your hotels much cheaper than going direct - as
    our wholesalers have negotiated bulk buying rates.)
    Agents are sent on "famils" which means sent to various
    locations around the world to see first hand, hotels,
    sightseeing etc so they usually have a wealth of first hand
    knowledge.Also our airfare knowledge of routes/ airline
    rules etc makes it so much quicker to obtain the best fare
    for you than to spend many hours on the internet in
    frustration. Give us another go.

  5. agency Added by: Walter (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 16:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Traveller
    What a can of worms!!!! I am a travel agent, and an old one
    at that nearing fifty and sadly I must agree some of us are
    becoming lazy ignorant no hopers. All these cheapo flights
    that are sold by companies that guarantee lowest prices lead
    to that. Their staff work on a commission basis, know
    bugger all about travel and could probably sell used cars
    just as well. They want your money up fast and you out
    faster so they can seat another patsy in the chair.
    Too many agency chains have what we called 'preferred'
    arrangements with certain airlines, hotels, car companies
    etc. and forget the needs of the client to the almighty
    See I'm a bit of a stingy bastard and I treat all my clients
    trips as if they are my own trip and so I try to reduce the
    cost. Do I succeed everytime? NOPE, but I try real hard.
    I got so teed off with poor travel insurance advice to
    clients and agents not even recommending insurance that I
    got an internet partner to set up
    to help internet browsers. (I also wanted to make money
    of course). We keep trying to get all insurance companies
    to allow us to place their product on the site but quite a
    few are baulking because they think we will take business
    away from their product (perhaps because it is inferior??)
    Unfortunately also our industry is unfortunately too full of
    people who think it is all glamour and easy money with great
    freebies. Well there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
    and when they see they gotta work they go. Too many young
    people last 6-12 months and that is sad.
    Agents do have one real problem, we work for peanuts
    (average about 10% commission on most sales) we are getting
    warier (hum is that the right spelling???) because too many
    times one of us does all the work and the client takes that
    work and wanders across the road, gives the work to our
    competitor who of course does it marginally cheaper - they
    did no work for it.
    SO I agree some times a client knows more about a
    destination or has the time to do huge research which we
    would happily do if we were paid for the work we do (no not
    an exhorbitant fee, just for the time we put in).
    Look if you have a query, and I can answer it cold I am
    happy to give you advice free - why? Well I figure free
    today, maybe tomorrow I will sell you a Greyhound bus
    I specialise in New Zealand, I have some 20 large lever arch
    files of info on the place which is NOT necessarily
    commisionable to me. I stock over 1,000 DIFFERENT travel
    brochures covering everything I can sell. I do not claim to
    know everything - only my computer does.
    Valley Travel Centre

  6. not bagging agents Added by: traveller
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 9:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I didn't intend to trash individual agents, which is why I
    asked for people to recommend good ones. But it does seem
    that the industry has problems as a whole, as you and a
    couple people have pointed out here.
    I have had a good agent in the past, but since I moved I've
    found i very difficult to get a good one. With internet
    access I seem to be able to plan routes better, get tours and
    hotels cheaper -- and learn more about the place than the
    I know that a degree of that has to do with having more of a
    self-interest in the trip than a sales agent -- but I've
    just gotten so discouraged that I simply do as much as I can
    myself and use the cheapest agent possible for booking things
    I can't (or won't) on the computer.
    And if everyone did that, let's face it, the travel industry
    would be a lot worse off in terms of having real
    professionals and not just cut-prices sales agents.

  7. my bit Added by: gaz
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 23:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was doing a tourism course at TAFE last year and as an
    exercise the students went out and posed as prospective
    clients-this was a compulsory part of the course. The
    results were not encouraging.Misinformation was one of the
    biggest problems in dealing with Travel Agents and also
    just plain lack of courtesy. Traveland in particular
    featured badly in the report.
    Choice Magazine many years ago did a survey. It seems
    nothing much has changed.
    Best to be informed and self educated about travel and
    ticketing. You might like to do a travel course part time
    like I did if you want a greater insight.
    Last year I went to Nepal. I checked out quite a few RTAs.
    I settled on Student Travel in Newtown(Sydney). Good
    product,good price and excellent service. When I was stuck
    in Katmandu over the Xmas period and no local airlines or
    agents could help,I faxed Student Travel and in 8 minutes
    flat they had booked me a return flight.
    Good Luck!!!!

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