
This topic was created by Jade
[Mon 24 May, 7:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I know this is a vain and naive question, but could someone
tell me what clothes to take with me to Oz and NZ for
june/july, in terms of temperature and fashion,

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 2:29]

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  1. Clothes Added by: janet
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 9:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Doesn't sound too vain to me - sort of practical. If you're
    going to NZ you'll need warm things then - cold, cold,
    cold, mid-winter, especially in south island. You won't be
    getting a sun tan!
    Oz - depends where you are going. In north it will be
    lovely, as it's the dry season - warm sunny days, slightly
    chilly evenings but good for sleeping. If you are going to
    Sydney, or further south, then you'll need lightish clothes
    in the middle of the day but sweater/light jacket for
    evenings. Going to Tasmania - read comments on NZ above!!
    Have a good trip.

  2. WARM! Added by: Matt (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 11:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Definatly bring something warm for NZ, I don't know where you
    are traveling from but even in the North Island you will get
    the odd frost.
    I'm in South Australia at the moment and the temp the last
    couple of days has averaged about 14C during the day, and
    very wet.
    As far as fashion goes you could probably just use your own
    judgment on that one, good luck.

  3. Blending Added by: Peter
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 13:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you are interested in the fashion so as not to stand out
    as a tourist too much, then think casual. Jeans, tshirts
    and a jacket (but not a gortex, super duppa red ski
    jacket). Bring things that you'd wear back home.
    Most people in Oz aren't that worried about fashion so you
    don't need to bring stuff to impress, just to be

  4. anything goes Added by: Kate
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 15:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Make sure you do have lots of warm stuff in Oz, unless
    you're not venturing below the Northern states.
    Fashionwise, as the above poster said, casual is a good
    safe option, although bright colours can be cheery in the
    freezing winter weather.

  5. clothes Added by: dornhill (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 15:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live in Auckland and the daytime temps in the winter
    months range from cool days to cold nights. A layered look
    t-shirt, turtleneck, sweater and jacket should do for land
    trips around Auckland. On the water or further south dress
    warmly because the wind can be downright freezing. Most
    houses, hotels, hostels and buildings are cold at night so
    warm pyjamas are a must as well as cozy warm socks to sleep
    in. Things that are washed rarely dry overnight in our
    climate because of the humidity so bring plenty of underwear
    and socks until you find a place to wash and dry your
    clothes.have fun New Zealand is gorgeous!!!

  6. The Traveller's Wardrobe Added by: Michelle (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Jade,
    Everything everyone has said is true. I've lived in
    Australia all my life and I've just completed a
    circumnavigation of the entire continent by 4WD over the
    last 12mths so I think I can add some more info...
    Australia is HUGE and the climate varies considerably
    depending where you are. Now since you've only got
    June/July I'm going to assume you're not attempting to go
    everywhere in that time. June/July as you know is winter.
    Anything south of the tropic of capricorn is going to be
    cold. That includes Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Tasmanina,
    Adelaide, Perth.
    Anything in the tropics, Darwin, Cairns, Broome, Kimberleys
    is going to be PERFECT WEATHER (30 - 35 degrees) I would
    strongly suggest you go to Darwin at this time of year - I
    lived there for 2 years.
    Any of these destinations require light, loose clothing
    with an accent on looking every bit the traveller (sandals,
    cargo shorts - winter's colour is green, summer colour is
    beige and a tank top in white or black or just a bikini
    top). No jeans required. Bring or buy a short sarong. Long
    is not fashionable any more.
    Trendy fashion is not an issue for you unless you are going
    to Syd, Melb or Adelaide. If you want to look good here
    you'll need a pair of loose, black pants with black boots
    or you could get away with a pair of long cargo pants and
    sneakers. In general colours this season are black, red and
    grey although cargo pants are green and beige.
    Polar fleece jackets in bright colours go anywhere. I
    rarely wear a jumper (I live in Syd) but I wear t-shirts
    under jackets. The weather fluctuates frequently and today
    I've changed 3 times, so consider layers instead of bulky
    jumpers and take just one versatile jacket.
    If you're interested in an ozie travel read see read my
    travel journal on my website at
    Good luck, hope you enjoy Australia.

  7. agency Added by: walter (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 17:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sob cry howl, you guys all missed Canberra (most of you
    would probably prefer to hit it with a bomb but hey - I live
    here) - In June july it gets pretty cold here, in fact we
    have already had a night or two around -5 degrees Celsius
    and that can be normal. The days can be absolutely great -
    freezing cold but if you are sitting at a window the sun
    lulls you to sleep - and the boss kicks you to wake you up.
    Agree with all above, an Australian Travel Agent in

  8. Fashion Added by: becSTAR
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 21:05 Tasmanian Standard Time] can get the seasonal tempartures
    in any travel book. Fashion in Australia is about 6 months
    behind London or the States. Which means you don't have to
    go out and buy anything new I guess.............

  9. Queensland Added by: Angie (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I will be arriving in Brisbane early August and heading up
    the coast toward Cairns. Just wondering out of all the
    beautiful places to be seen, which ones shouldn't I miss?

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