Travelling from Toronto Canada

This topic was created by Joanne (
[Tue 18 May, 3:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I would like to get information on airfare prices from
Canada to Sydney Australia or where to get information with
Canadian prices for airfare. I am travelling for 3 weeks in
Nov/Dec within Australia, Sydney (3 days), Kangaroo Island
& Adelaide (3 days),Oz Experience possibly to Alice
Springs, 3 day Safari Ayers Rock and on to Cairns, before
flying to N.Z for Dec/ Jan. I would like to hear from
anyone with suggestions if one should purchase Bus Passes
or Travel Passes in Sydney or N.Z, or take established
passes such as Kiwi or OZ Experience, and what to see and
do when you're on a tight budget and fixed time period.
Does anyone know if at that time of the year, what type of
shoes one should bring for walking in N.Z or Australia,
especially at Ayers Rock? Should I book all my
accommodation ( hostels or bed and breakfast) now? Does
anyone knows if there will be a problem with getting
accommodation in January in the South Island of N.Z?
All advice is welcomed and definitely appreciated.

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 20:21]

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  1. buy your ticket Added by: do it now
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 4:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Quantas offers a "triangle fare" which is available in
    Canada before you leave. This can be purchased in
    conjunction with your ticket to Oz. Each ticket costs $120.
    and will get you from any City in Oz to the next. This is
    better than purchasing them there so I am told and saves the
    hassle of running around to buy them there.

  2. airfare Added by: janet
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 9:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try travel cuts. They have some really good deal,
    especially if you are a student.

  3. ageny Added by: Walter (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 10:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a dreaded Aussie Travel agent who also specialises in
    NZ. I was recently there (last week) for a conference run
    by the NZ tourism board and I can tell you Auckland up north
    is a stay away zone. Kiwi's tradiitonally utilise their own
    tourism areas and as it will be school holidays, you will
    experience some problems, this is always the case. Being
    the Millenium - well its anyones guess.
    I had a look at my system for possible fares (specials) but
    none in there. The pass some one is talking about up there
    is probably available and it could be either a backpacker
    type fare (which exist, but ask Qantas what the rules are)
    or there are international add ons which MAY be cheaper but
    advance purchase type fares are more likely to be cheaper.
    Re bus passes in Aust, there is a Greyhound kilometre pass
    or even a McCafferty's or there is Oz Experience (the Oz
    version of Kiwi experience) and a couple of other small
    limited operators. I (strangely) happen to sell them all!
    Have a good time down here.

  4. airfares Added by: kbc (canada)
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 11:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Canada 3000 offers some great fares to Oz.(as low as 1000
    canadian return) from western canada, probably a little more
    from TO. Phone em or go to their website and they will
    forward their specials to you weekly.Remember that on any
    flights in Oz you can get up to a 30 per cent discount right
    at the flight counter by producing your passport and an open
    ticket.(Thats one they wont tell you about otherwise.) Join
    a hostel group when you arrive in Oz, usual cost about $25
    but it will save you even more on car rentals or flights.

  5. agency Added by: Walter (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 18:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    kbc is right - they are called an international add on fare
    and can be good BUT if you plan the trip well and stay 4
    days in a capital city, travel around in a circle ending up
    in the same place, either book 21 days in advance OR take
    their accommodation package for 3 nights excluding a
    Saturday (or 2 nights with a Saturday) and subject to seat
    availability you can get a 21 day advance fare added end to
    end to make a circle fare around Australia.
    See, I know my stuff and am happy to share it.

  6. agency Added by: Walter (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 18:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry forgot to add to above that if you take the
    accommodation you can try booking as late as 8 or so days
    before travel on first leg.

  7. Book accommodation definitely Added by: Hilary
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 22:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The key Kiwi times to go away are.... December and
    January. And there is suggestion the millenium buzz will
    make it worse.
    I would book accommodation as soon as you have a certain
    schedule, and not after July/August.

  8. One Canadian's Experience Added by: Stephen
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 20:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have travelled on three occasions to Australia and New
    Zealand in the last five years--always between December and
    March. I stayed in hostels and had no trouble finding
    accom. or land transportation on short notice--and almost
    always my first choice. But I would book Sydney accom
    now. In general, if you know exactly where you will be on
    ARRIVES)go ahead and book in advance. Otherwise book as you
    go along. This allows for flexibility and the opportunity
    to stay longer or leave sooner as whim will allow. I have
    done most of the Aussie things you are planning. I would
    wait to book travel until arrival in OZ. Do the 3 day
    Straycat backpacker bus to Melbourne. Spend two days max.
    there (it really is a lot like TO). From Melbourne take the
    Wayward Bus along the Great Ocean Road to Adelaide. All
    accom can be arranged on the buses as you go. I spent five
    days on Kangaroo Island---a real highlight and highly
    recomm. From Adelaide I did a 10 day camping trip thru the
    Flinders Range , the Simpson Desert, and on thru Uluru
    (Ayers Rock) to Alice. It is a spectacularly unique
    landscape unlike anything you will have seen in Canada or
    anywhere else in the world for that matter. Wayward Bus
    has an Adelaide -Alice 10 day trip. If you are only in Oz
    for three weeks, I'd go overland betw. Adelaide and Alice
    and fly onward from there to Cairns. Remember that time of
    year is the off-season for Cairns (the Wet, possible
    cyclones, and the dreaded box jellyfish are in the water)--
    so I would pass and go directly to New Zealand. I know all
    the guidebooks (and some posters) warn about high season
    travel and everything being packed out in January--but
    compared to 350 million people roaming around North America
    in July and August--NZ is, in my experience, uncrowded even
    in the busiest season. One final note about Jan. on the
    South Island, I stayed in the most highly rated hostels in
    Queenstown and Milford booking them only a couple of days
    in advance. And while you're in that part of NZ. check out
    the Southern Explorer backpacker bus--highly recomm. for an
    off the beaten track experience.

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