Any idea what is real fun to do in Oz?

This topic was created by Annie From France (
[Mon 24 May, 1:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm a French young girl who had such a great time last
summer in California, that I decided to do that thing as
often as possible. After a year of great fun in Bristol to
study, grgr. I suddenly decided to go to Oz. Kind of my big
dream since I'm a little girl.
Here I am with my ticket for Oz, Nz and India. I've got to
pack my bag and that will be it. What the fuck am I going to
do there. No clue. If you know anything or travel around
this summer too, just send me a mail.

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 3:31]

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  1. Where to begin.......... Added by: Dan (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 15:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Australia is a large and diverse nation. You will find
    almost every place to have some kind of interesting
    quality. To a European native, you will be struck by two
    things: the size of the place and the strange sense of
    history that spans a mere 200 years. Keeping this in mind,
    you should see sights that emphasise these two features.
    Sydney is a must from the historical aspect and plain old
    fun. Country New South Wales (hit Sydney and turn right)
    is also excellent for this purpose. Most people travel up
    the east coast and end up around Cairns which has access to
    the Great Barrier Reef (I make it my mission to personally
    beat travellers who miss the reef!).
    Being that far north also makes it a short (read 2 hours in
    an aircraft) hop across to the Northern Territory. The
    territory has so many sights and the greatest part is that
    they are all just sitting around waiting for you. A
    complete lack of pomp and ceremony is the charm of the
    place and you will certainly get the sense of space! See
    the national park (before it is torn up to mine Uranium)
    and just.......... wander.
    The bottom line is that no matter where you go, you will
    find things of interest. It is not that far removed from
    the Northern hemisphere so as to provide discomfort (we
    have running water) but is unique enough to be fascinating
    and a lot of fun to most.
    Sorry about the long response, but your question is a broad
    one. I have travelled most of Australia and as much of the
    world as time permits and (I do admit complete bias at this
    point) and can honestly say that you will NEVER be bored
    while over here.

  2. What's the definition of fun? Added by: ozgirl24 (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 18:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Annie, what's your definition of fun? If you like parties
    Victoria has a great outdoor party scene. There is also
    great live music, restaurants, parties etc. ca depend...I
    can only tell you about Melbourne/Victoria but I have many
    second hand reports vouching for the excellence of northern
    NSW and the great climate, beaches, rainforests, islands etc
    of QLD but I'm sure the locals could fill you in better than
    feel free to email with questions.

  3. Oz Added by: Bren (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Annie, as an Australian living in Europe, I envy your
    travel plans. Australia is very well set up for the
    independent traveller - it's like a religion there. Get a
    guidebook and just GO!

  4. OTS / Drum Media Added by: Ally
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 3:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you're in Sydney pop into any music store (HMV etc) and
    pick up a free copy of OTS (On The Street) or Drum Media
    which come out weekly. They have the latest gigs, shows
    etc. Other cities will have their own version.

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