yanks in alice springs

This topic was created by gerald (grulichg@yahoo.com)
[Mon 17 May, 8:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

there are yanks working at a tracking station in alice
springs. does anyone in alice springs know them?

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 16:35]

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  1. Yes Added by: alice
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 11:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There is an American called Bob who sits out in the desert
    near Alice Springs with a telescope and a mobile phone.
    Apparently he works for the US govt. I've met him and he is
    a nice guy once you get to know him

  2. thank you alice Added by: gerald (grulichg@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 7:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    thank you alice for answering my message. i have a sister
    named alice. the next time you see bob sitting out in the
    desert please ask him for his email address and pass it on
    to me or give him my email adress. i want to ask him what
    company has the contract for the tracking station so i can
    see if there are any openings. i am an american working at
    an earth terminal on the geographically remote ascension
    island in the south atlantic. i want to get to australia at
    some point. my mother's father was born and raised in
    australia but left when he was fifteen and never returned.
    his name was daniel crean. i have met some of my australian
    relatives visiting the united states over the years
    including my mothers cousin (their fathers were brothers)
    frank crean who was the treasurer of australia in the early
    seventies. thank you again for taking the trouble to answer
    my question.

  3. Try this... Added by: Heather (hdhow@pipeline.com.au)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The place you are after is called Pine Gap. I suggest that you either
    contact the Federal Government
    Northern Territiry Govt.
    just write them a letter....
    As it is a fairly secret operation( our own Prime Minister doesn't know all about it) anything is worth a try. Of course you could just try ringing them up, I once knew someone
    who was cooking out there but she's long gone I think.
    Sorry I can't help further, oh, if you go there, mind you don't trip over Bob (loved it) and if Ascension Island is as cold as I think it is, if you get to Alice you can throw out most , but not all, your winter underwear. Cheers.

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