
This topic was created by doc
[Mon 17 May, 1:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

living in Oz in 93, I became a big fan of Carlton Cold (sold
in bottles only). I wasn't a fan of VB as it seemed to make
me puke, but maybe that was because it was cheap and I'd
drink about 10 scooners!!!!

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 6:26]

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  1. MMMM coldie , interesting choice Added by: beer girl
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 19:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The coldie phenomenon interests me no end. I can't believe
    its popularity. I find it more refreshing to dring my 3 day
    ols washing up water then a coldie. It saddens me that
    people think that this is a quality beer. I don't know how
    many times I've gone to a party where it is the only beer
    in offer.
    Have you tried Melbourne Bitter. I used to be a huge wrap
    for VB in my Uni days but have since moved on to a more
    sophisticated drop, plus there is something appealing about
    the hideous colours of maroon and blue. I also like to
    drink out of a a dark bottle. After all the traditional
    beer brewing needs the dark bottle.
    Hey what ever happened to Diamond Draft(sic). That beer
    obviously wasn't geared to Aussies (Draught), plus it
    really tasted like an apple cider.

  2. I agree!! Added by: Timbo
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 23:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Coldies are the best! Only Cascade Premium (in a green
    bottle with a Tassie Tiger on the label) is better. Which
    other beers from around the world do you like? I think
    Danish beer (Carlsberg and Tuborg) are great. Swedish beer
    sucks (Falcon, Pripps, ┼bro).

  3. Poor Beer girl! Added by: doc
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 2:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm sorry that my choice of beer SADDENS you, beer girl.
    Maybe you shouldn't take it to heart so much?.I can't get it
    here in Canada anyway, so you don't have to get too
    upset, although I've just asked a buddy , who happens to be
    in Oz at the moment to bring me a couple back. I'll let you
    know when I get them. Maybe you can say a payer or two for
    my sanity?.

  4. crap spelling!! Added by: doc
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 2:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I bet my spelling SADDENS you too, hey? Actually, I tried
    drinking the washing up water , like you suggested, and
    although I still prefer a "coldie" it was definately better
    than VB!

  5. Crap spelling!! Added by: Doc
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 2:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I bet my spelling SADDENS you too, hey?. Actualy I tried
    drinking the washing up water like you suggested and
    although I still prefer a "Coldie", it was definately an
    improvement on VB!

  6. beer Added by: farmboy
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 18:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Coldies are popular here and to tell you the truth I reckon
    it's easily the best of a bad bunch that CUB produces. If
    you're from Canada then you'll know what crap beer is all
    about - you call Molson Canadian beer? Although I'll hand it
    to you, Sleeman's Honeybrown is not a bad drop at all.

  7. Carlton Colds Added by: Jan (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 23:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    On the subject of coldies, I returned from Oz a few months
    ago and have not been able to find a supplier of Carlton
    Cold in the UK. Anyone have any ideas?

  8. Open your tastebuds. Added by: capt'n
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Guys, Really?
    Have you all lost the plot? Forget those overseas owned,
    multi-national bottles of camels piss. If you are going to
    down a real Australian beer you have to go for the last
    remaining truely Australian owned national beer;
    ********* Coopers ************ They offer several brews to
    cover all personal tastes, (I drink Pale myself), and best
    of all they are still based in Adelaide, South Australia.
    You can check them out at where you'll
    find their world agents; even in Canada! Ask for Coopers at
    your local, and if they don't have any yet, ask them why
    not, and then take your business elsewhere.
    Do yourself a favour........
    "Life's too short to drink crap beer" (Arthur Donga)

  9. give it a try Added by: doc
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 6:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hmm!!! Coopers seems to keep cropping up so I'll give it a
    try when I next get down in October. By the way,farm boy, I
    couldn't really give a toss what you think of canadian beer
    but that's the whole point! It doesn't matter what you like
    or what anyone else likes. It doesn't make you a "cool
    person" just cos you happen to like a certain type of beer
    or a particular brand of ciggies! All this deep analysis
    shit kind a cracks me up!. The bottom line is beer is beer.
    They all tase a bit different but if they're ice cold the
    difference is minimal. And anyway, after about 4 they all
    taste just the same!!!

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