Travel Agents

This topic was created by Walter (
[Sun 16 May, 16:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am one and I am fed up with some of my bretheren not
giving travellers unbiased advice.
This page seems to have quite a few people who obviously
don't think we are worth talking to for GENERAL advice.
What do you the public think?
Did you know the average commission for a travel agent is
around 10%?
Have you ever wondered why every travel agent you talk to
about DOMESTIC Australian airfares quotes exactly the same
price (because we only make 4-5% on the sale so why
Any other questions or whaterver?

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 1:45]

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  1. Here here! Added by: Another Travel Agent
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 19:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Some people liken travel agents to used car salesmen. We're
    not all out to rip you off, but we wouldn't be there at all
    if we didn't make any money. The average international
    airfare would yield an agent a gross commission of $100-
    $200 - more if they are lucky. From that take wages,
    overheads etc etc and we don't make much on your tickets.
    You have a right to get value for money, so don't be afraid
    to demand the best service. Walk out if you don't get what
    you want. Be affirmative, and I encourage people to shop
    around. The better agents are not afraid for youto go
    elsewhere because they know that the quality of their
    service will see you back in their doors very soon.

  2. i agree... Added by: yet another travel agent
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 1:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i read the thorn tree on almost a daily basis and i cannot
    believe that people are asking about airfare prices and
    what the better bus company to use is and blah blah blah...
    And we dont earn much commision, actually the company that
    I work for we dont even earn our own commisions, it just
    goes directly to the head office and they give us a very
    low salary in return. Travel agents are over worked and
    under paid.

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