Homeswap: Darwin Oz for Dublin, Ireland

This topic was created by Mary K (
[Sun 16 May, 12:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Is anyone in Dublin interested in swapping houses for 12
months, starting soon.

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 18 May, 23:18]

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  1. have you been to Darwin? Added by: Bryce from Oz (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 12:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you think that Darwin will be a nice tropical resort,
    think again. It sure is tropical, but I don't think you
    know quite just how uncomfortable it is. Although the
    temperatures in summer may be between 30 and 35 degrees,
    this is not the same as 30 to 35 degree in somewhere like
    Morocco or Turkey. In extreme humidity, the effectice
    temperature (what you feel on your skin), can be over 10
    degrees hotter than the actual temperature. And you being
    from Ireland, you will feel it big time. In Australia, we
    use the phrase "sweat like a pig". You will know what I
    mean when you get there.
    Also, you can't swim in the ocean in the summer beacuse of
    the marine stingers (they can kill in less than 3 minutes),
    and if you swim or camp in the wrong place, there is is the
    possibility of being attacked by a crocodile (they grow up
    to 4m).
    Unless you are going there for work, it might be better to
    go a southern city. Darwin people are nice, but it won't
    matter an iota if you are uncomfortable all day.

  2. G'day Bryce Added by: Mary K (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 23:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You got it wrong, I live in Darwin and am going to Ireland
    for 12 months to work. PS This will be my second stint at
    working in Dublin for 12 months, so I know that it get's
    cold there - nothing like a good peat fire!!.
    Thanks for the thought though.

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