which is best(beer)

This topic was created by Klaus
[Wed 22 April, 23:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am a german beer expert from bavaria and i am fueding with
2 wankers who have recently visited your part of the
world,one says VB is the best but the swine has never been
to NZ ,i say Steinlager or Monteiths are far superior, what
do you think?.Thank you Klaus

[There are 137 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 14:15]

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  1. Mac gold Added by: Dave
    [Timestamp: Thu 23 April, 1:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I,m no expert (I'm English) but the Mac gold beer which is brewed in Nelson was pretty good. It was so good I had to try it 12 times!
    Get yourself down to the brewery in Nelson (and bring me some back please!)
    Cheers Dave

  2. xxxx Added by: xxxx
    [Timestamp: Thu 23 April, 3:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    castlemain xxxx!!!!!

  3. Got to be the kiwi beer Added by: kiwietta
    [Timestamp: Thu 23 April, 10:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mac Gold, Steinlager, Lion Red, anything remotely kiwi has gotta be the best!

  4. VB Shite Added by: Rob Tetley
    [Timestamp: Thu 23 April, 11:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    VB is crap. The only good breweries in Australia to my
    knowledge are Tooheys, Cascade and Coopers. I don't know
    why Carlton beers are so big in oz. They're all crap.
    English beer shits on any lager crap anyway.

  5. Its up to you Added by: Filthy (Phil Knight)
    [Timestamp: Thu 23 April, 12:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Everyone has different tastes in beer. I think people mostly
    only like other beers that taste similar to the one they
    normally drink. Anyway, it's not fair to judge a beer from a
    can or a bottle especially if its been on the shelf for a
    while. Give me beer on tap every day:)
    For me it's either Tooheys New (on tap) Tooheys Old (or
    Black)in the Hunter Valley on tap is a nice change now and
    In a "stubbie"....Carlton Crown Lager is a good drop while
    my staple fluid of the moment is Toohey's Red
    Bitter.....mainly because it's cheaper in price and a
    welcome change from the others.
    Variety is the spice of life...drink up :)

  6. Tasmanian Beer Added by: Andy
    [Timestamp: Thu 23 April, 16:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For my taste the best beer anywhere comes from Tasmania, try
    J. Boags or Cascade Premium Beer if there are hard to find
    well you may settle for Coopers or draft Vic Beer.
    Since I retourned 2 years ago from OZ I haved tried local
    beer (Chile)

  7. Kiwi Beer Added by: World traveller
    [Timestamp: Thu 23 April, 17:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have travelled practicaly all parts of the world where
    good beer is sold and I have always returned to Steinlager
    from New Zealand. No beer in the world can beat it.Period

  8. Crap! Added by: Huglestone
    [Timestamp: Thu 23 April, 17:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    New Zealand beer is as shity as New Zealand people.Period

  9. VB Added by: Very Bad
    [Timestamp: Thu 23 April, 17:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Klaus
    Tell the joker that loves VB that it's other names in
    Australia are Very Bad & Venereal Bitter !
    Cascade is really nice, as too Coopers Pale & Sparkling.

  10. VB Added by: mr. melbourne
    [Timestamp: Thu 23 April, 18:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To say that anything down under is better than VB is like
    saying that Hitler is a saint to this world; it simply ain't

  11. VB...Hah! Added by: Dan
    [Timestamp: Fri 24 April, 1:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Must agree...VB is SHITE...coopers is not bad...for good
    beer come to British Columbia, Canada and have a Okanagan

  12. Typical Added by: Milhouse
    [Timestamp: Fri 24 April, 14:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Typical of the Germans and the Poms and the New Zealanders to be so obsessed with bloody BEER!
    It just confirms how boring your countries and countrymen all are.Try some nice (low kilojoule) lime cordial with a dainty slice of lemon ....the little umbrella is optional. Heaven!

  13. Taste of Tassie Added by: myke
    [Timestamp: Fri 24 April, 20:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Klaus, Cascade Premium from Tasmania gets my vote, proper
    fresh hops, real barley and pure water make this beer a true
    taste of heaven! Coopers ale is good too.

  14. step aside boys.. Added by: ms adelaide
    [Timestamp: Sun 26 April, 1:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ok..the best beer JUST HAS TO BE
    and don't let anyone tell u otherwise ok?
    coming from an aussie girl..pale and sparkling is the only
    beer we drink..
    AND CROWN LAGER..kicks shit over any other beer besides
    Oh, and i'm not feral
    Just a girl from Adelaide- a place that has the best
    weather, the best women and the best BEER!

  15. Such a dissapointment Added by: Spike
    [Timestamp: Sun 26 April, 4:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is so sad that all of you are expressing such ignorance
    about the world's most perfect ale, Speight's. Brewed in
    Dunedin it is the world's most glorious example of brewing
    perfection. I was utterly distraught to return to Canada
    and find that only that sludge, Steinlager was available
    here. A close second to Speight's is Calgary's own Big Rock

  16. Yes Ms Adelaide Added by: Billy
    [Timestamp: Mon 27 April, 15:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ms Adelaide is spot on, Adelaide has the best weather, beer
    and women in the world. After Coopers, Melbourne Bitter is
    a pretty fair drop, as is Tooheys New and Dry. I must admit
    that the Guiness in Dublin was outstanding and probobly
    pips the Cooper's Stout, but only just. Adelaide's three
    attractions mentioned above all tie in beautifully too, the
    heat there is a fantastic dry heat, different to anywhere
    else in Australia, that is extremely conducive to the
    sucking down of a few wet ones, and a Coopers Ale, in the
    middle of an Adelaide Summer, in the company of an Adelaide
    woman is the next best thing to Paradise.

  17. C & C! Added by: Oz gal
    [Timestamp: Thu 30 April, 12:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Cascade and Coopers all the way!

  18. beer... ah Added by: Beer...ah
    [Timestamp: Thu 30 April, 16:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Adelaide chick is spot on, Coopers is right up there with Crown Lager

  19. stout Added by: stoutly lad
    [Timestamp: Tue 5 May, 13:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Beer is for pussies!

  20. Two words..... Added by: The Best
    [Timestamp: Tue 5 May, 20:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    EMU BITTER!!!!

  21. Macs Gold Added by: Gregsh
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 May, 16:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Macs is Fantastic, Coopers (aussie) great, Steinlager
    ahhhhhhh heaven, VB is a fairly average beer for the masses
    but I like it.
    MAcs gold rules.

  22. Stout Added by: Stouty boy
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 May, 19:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    and train spotters!

  23. The best beer is Briatish / Irish by Far Added by: Graham
    [Timestamp: Thu 7 May, 21:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Directors, John Smiths, Old Peculiar, 6X, Theakstones,
    Guiness, Murphy's, Boddingtons. Just to name a few of the
    best beers.
    PS. stay off the weak lager piss, it's the only drink in the
    world that comes out the same (if not better) than when it
    goes in.

  24. Graham Added by: Roo
    [Timestamp: Thu 7 May, 23:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Let me buy you a beer, my friend. There is a few cheeky
    Cornish beers worth a mention - Hicks (HSD), Tinners,
    Wreckers. All worth trying several times of a evening.

  25. more beer Added by: Oz Beer Lad
    [Timestamp: Fri 8 May, 23:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    From the oz line up, of which there is many, my preference
    is for Toohey's Old aka Hunter Old, Toohey extra Dry is a
    nice drop too. Hahn Blue Ice is a good light beer, crisp &
    I'm not keen on any of the CUB/Foster line (VB, Cartlon,
    Melb Bitter, Foster Light, Foster Full Strength) execpt for
    Crown Lager, The rest are horse piss (that why they sponsor
    the Melbourne Cup!!)
    Coopers have a good range. A Coopers by the Cooper Ck at
    Innaminka goes down well. It's brewed in the bottle too.
    NT Draught is crap as is Cairns Draught.
    I've just enjoyed a Cascade Premium Lager this evening.
    West End, XXXX, Swan, Southwark(?), Boags (Boag's bog in the
    no-frills can) are drinkable.
    NZ beers. Speights is like an ugly child, only it mother
    likes it. Red Lion is just drinkable, DB, a bit better,
    Steinlager is probably the best from the land of the long
    white cloud.
    Tusker from Vanuatu is alright after the 1st one.
    Bintang is the choice in Indonesia.
    Best of all, see the list of "25 reasons why a beer is
    better than a woman", but I love women too. It good for a
    laugh though.

  26. canucklehead i stole this... Added by: ms adelaide chick
    [Timestamp: Sat 9 May, 11:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Our lager,
    Which art in barrels
    hallowed be thy drink
    Thy will be drunk (I will be drunk)
    At home at it is in the pub
    Give us this day our foamy head
    And forgive us our spillage's
    As we forgive those who spill against us
    And lead us not to incarceration
    But deliver us from hangovers
    For thine is the beer, the bitter and the lager
    For ever and ever
    Beer is kinda like a religion dont u think?
    (well, here in oz maybe..)

  27. COOPER'S Added by: Randall
    [Timestamp: Sat 16 May, 22:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There is no argument. Cooper's make the best beer in
    Australia. I really like two thirds Sparkling Ale with one
    third Stout, but I grew up in Newcastle and just love
    Toohey's Old (Black). But absolutely the best way to drink
    Cooper's is to brew your own. 35c per bottle is heaps
    better than $4. Home brewing is the best way to drink
    beer, then more beer, and then even more beer.
    Our Father
    Who art in South Australia ....

  28. Beer is my subject! Added by: andrea (theking69@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 May, 12:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey there
    VB is very boring beer and it is known amongst many people I
    travelled with in OZ as VB stands for Very Bad.
    I am a Member of the Capaign for Real Ale in the Uk and have
    beentrying local beer all over OZ and NZ. The best
    mainstream beer in OZ is Coopers. Lots of types and lots of
    flavour (and upset stomachs like VB will give you).
    In NZ mainstream Monteith's been to the brewery and it was
    The best in NZ in Emerson's. They do 6 types of beer
    inclcuing a Pilsner and 2 Weiss beers. THE BEST WEISS BEER I
    I try to go to all the local brew pubs and breweries. Been
    to alot of places and my next stop is USA and Canada. Do not
    tell me there is no good beer ther as I have been there
    sampled a few but while surfing on the web for info on the
    Gerat American Beer Festival I managed to find info on 483
    breweries who presented beer at the festival. And there alot
    So stop arguing about mainstream beer and get looking for
    some decent beer and spread the news.
    Cheers Andrea
    PS If VB is the best you have ever had you have not lived!

  29. My Opinion Added by: Daz
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 May, 13:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For my money, the best Kiwi beers are Distinction Ale,
    Monteiths Red, Steinlager and Macs gold. On a hot day I'll
    go for Tui or DB Drought. Guiness on tap in NZ is also
    pretty good and I was told by an Irishman that it's as close
    as you can get to a Guiness in Dublin. Best Ausi beers I've
    tasted are Saddlers, XXXX from the wood, Coopers stout and
    Carbine stout. This is difficult comming from a Kiwi, but I
    have to admit to Cascade Pale Ale as being the best beer you
    can find down under.

  30. West End Kicks Ass Added by: Scotty
    [Timestamp: Sat 30 May, 23:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Id rather fire down a few West End Draughts anyday.
    Coming a close second would be that Perth brew Swan.

  31. ! Added by: Tones
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 June, 12:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Cooper's Dark in Aus and Waikato (swamp water) in NZ!

  32. More beer, more beer! Added by: Farmboy
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 June, 10:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a Victorian and I hate to admit it but the CUB beers are
    pretty damn ordinary. Coopers is excellent, Toohey's Old is
    decent and Cascade Premium is very drinkable. But the best
    beer in Oz just has to be Redback ... very wheaty and just
    slides down the throat with the greatest of ease.
    In NZ Lion Brown can't be beaten.

  33. bi-ru Added by: So desu ne !
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 June, 11:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anyone for Sapporo Black Star from Hokkaido, Japan ?

  34. Some Inside Info From A Non-Drinker Added by: emp
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 June, 18:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was a barman in Melbourne. Try Cascade Premium Lager from
    Tazmania, James Boag's is good also. All the Aussie's drink
    VB's in Victoria, XXX in Queensland, Red Lion in the
    Outback(cheap piss) and well try them all, they're also
    about 5-6% alcohol vs. American beers, yes I'm American, and
    I don't drink too, go figure....

  35. Coopers Added by: Spam
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 June, 11:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Coopers beer is only good if it is treated right!! One
    needs to gently grasp the beer and turn in upside down
    (slowly). Leave it upside down for a good 20sec then turn
    slowly the right side up. You can now have the privelage of
    opening it!! (this stops the sediment in the bottom form
    ruining the end of a good drink!) The change in flavour of
    a good sparkling or pale is amazing!! (try Southwark
    Premium in South Australia, another wonderful beer, kick VB

  36. MONTEITHS Added by: Kiwi Pete
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 June, 22:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks Klaus for mentioning Monteiths-I live a couple of
    streets from the famous Monteiths Brewery.This number one
    world famous brew has been made here in Greymouth since the
    1850's.I'll admit VB and many other beers are great but the
    antient Gods originally called Monteiths Nectar of the
    Gods.Would a Kiwi lie about something like this???

  37. Who's the Wanker? Added by: tami (tami@caboolture.hotkey.net.au)
    [Timestamp: Tue 7 July, 22:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    VB - Very Best! I rest my case.

  38. only poofta's drink bullshit Added by: craig
    [Timestamp: Thu 9 July, 17:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Australian VB is the best tasting beer there is, you posh
    poof's that drink your shit beers than give it a bad name,
    well fark you's

  39. biggest selling Beer Added by: Oz
    [Timestamp: Sat 11 July, 20:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Then why would VB be the biggest selling single beer on the market in Australia????
    And CUB be the largest brewery in the world (or close to after there acquisition of China brewerys

  40. COOPERS! Added by: Gilbert Aue (auegc001@students.unisa.edu.au)
    [Timestamp: Mon 13 July, 15:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    OK...now, how many times did I read that COOPERS was the
    best and VB the worst...hmmmm couldn't count them
    all....maybe because I was just on my 8th bottle of COOPERS.
    COOPERS beats all aussie BEERS, ADELAIDE beats all AUSSIE
    cities and Ms Adelaide beats all AUSSIE GIRLS....Go the
    As for foreign beers, well GUINNESS is fine and SAN MIGUEL
    is good too.....

  41. i hate the crows! Added by: ms adelaide girl
    [Timestamp: Tue 14 July, 14:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    go the power buddy!
    I was at a very well known pub here in ADelaide the other
    week and i discovered an absolutely amazing beer.
    YES...of course it's coopers but..i had never tasted a dark
    ale before!
    OHMIGOD...I was in heaven.
    Coopers Dark Ale. Yummmmm.
    Vanuatu has some really nice beers too, actually there all
    practically new zealand beers.
    Gilbert, you are the man.
    ADELAIDE is the best of everything..wouldn'tya say?!

  42. A Blind Test Added by: The Thumb (b.wechner@aitec.edu.au)
    [Timestamp: Fri 17 July, 2:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I took part in an unwitting double blind test some while ago. I don't happen to like VB, tastes like runny water to me, and I'm quite a fan of the full bodied lites that came out in the early 90's.

    At a bushdance once, with a lot of friends, we ordered a jug of VB and a jug of Toohey's Blue (a full bodied lite beer). They were all VB lovers, I was the only stick in the mud.

    The jugs arrived, unmarked hardly surprisingly, and everyone went for the Blue (Blue is darker than VB and the prevailing prejudice seems to believe that lite beers should be light in colour). They all agreed it was good, but when I told them that was Blue, and the VB was still standing there a great argument ensued.

    Down to a man they insisted the dark beer was VB and the lite one was Blue, and furthermore that the dark one tasted a lot better than the light one ...

    So we called the barman over. Sure enough the dark beer was Blue and the lite was VB and they all ate their words in that way only proud Aussie males can and to this day they continue to drink VB (a testament to the intelligence of your average VB drinker :-).

    How it is that someone can argue adamantly that Blue is better than VB (without the labels of course) then go back to regular VB drinking is one of those mysteries of human psychology that remains beyond my grasp.

    The motto of the story by the way, is that when beer swillers talk about which beer is better, image plays a much greater role than quality or flavour. I feel sure that's been repeatedly demonstrated in marketing studies worldwide, and has nothing to do with beer.
    In the end, beer is beer, and a good swill, is a good swill, and I'm not one to take any of this "Beer form here is better than beer from there" shit from image burdened nutters, but I will tell you Tooheys Blue is better beer than VB and you can drink more of them before driving home or falling flat on the floor (whichever your goal for the night is).

    Another great quality of VB of course is that it is (or was -- I confess a somewhat dated experience) one of the cheapest beers you could buy anywhere in the country. That is of course always a virtue ... :-). Even if it does taste like runny water (and when you work out what that is let me know :-).

    Bernd Wechner

    The Suite's Roving



  43. Nz beers rule, Oz sux Added by: Si (robairstow@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 21 July, 18:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Steinlager,DB,Monteiths etc. are among the best in the
    world- with the Germans of course. Aussie beers are crude,
    shitty lumps of sludge oil. Anyone whot thinks differently
    sux goats cocks. Aussies are all homos

  44. SPEIGHT'S Added by: Heloise (heloiseg@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 23 July, 22:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can't believe that only one of the above wankers has even mentioned this nectar of the Gods.
    Drink SPEIGHT'S or loose your mates!!
    There is nothing more satisfying than a cold SPEIGHT'S on the terrace at Carisbrook, pure bliss, and that's coming from a Welshy!
    If it wasn't good they'd export it, as the case is you'd be hard stuck to find some even in Auckland.
    As for Steinlager, what planet are you on?
    Whilst sampling New Zealand beers I also suggest you try the close runner up, TUI (not Toohey's) from Manawatu.

  45. heyheyheyhey Added by: The Conquer (pureadrenaline@usa.net)
    [Timestamp: Mon 27 July, 19:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Forget N.Z & Oz Beer,
    Go for Corona or heinikien ( Think that's how you spell it)

  46. Beer Added by: Professor
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 August, 2:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For a good, light lager ... can't go wrong with Moosehead

  47. bbbb Added by: yyyy (hhhh)
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 August, 17:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  48. And the winner is... Added by: Dave
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 August, 1:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The best Oz beers are -
    1) James Boags Premium
    2) Coopers Clear
    3) Cascade Premium

  49. the best beer Added by: beer girl
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 August, 1:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    personally I would say the best beer is the Kiwi beer Speights, definitley followed by the friendly finnish golden brew called LAPIN KULTA (lapland gold)
    Prove me wrong..have you tasted it??>

  50. Three Sheets... Added by: Simone
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 August, 15:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... its a pub brewed beer which you can find at the Lord
    Nelson, Rocks, Sydney ... mmmmmm...

  51. another vote for Cascade! Added by: diajobs
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 August, 11:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No question, no doubt!

  52. Beer Beer Beer... Added by: sheldon
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 August, 14:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Another perspective (from a Sydney person)

    My favourite Australian beers (in order):
    - James Boag's Premium
    - Cooper's Sparkling Ale (red label)
    - Redback (though it's not the 'original' 5.3% any more)
    - Cascade Premium
    - Hahn Premium (yeah, the premiums are doing ok with me)
    - Cooper's Dark (brown label)
    - Toohey's Old
    Generic Draught When At The Pub:
    - Toohey's New (if served right, not by cheating pubs who
    water down their beer)
    - VB (generic, acceptable)
    and then the rest of them...

    Has anyone tried "Supershine"?? It's 11% alcohol, brewed in
    Victoria by Grand Ridge Brewing. It's not like a normal
    beer, it's more like a "desert" beer, that you would drink
    from a port glass (it's different anyway)

    Also, what about "Cane Toad Beer", brewed on Hope Is, Qld???
    It's fairly strong at 7.0% Is it still being brewed?

    Southwark Premium? I have only tried it a few times - it's
    so expensive. Why so expensive? It doesn't taste all *that*
    My favourite New Zealand Beers (in order):
    - Mac's Gold (totally agree with Dave message #1)
    - Monteith's Original Ale
    - Speight's Gold Medal Ale
    - Black Mac
    - Speight's Dark
    - Steinlager
    - Tui East India Pale Ale
    - DB
    - Waikato Draught (at a pinch)
    and the rest... (Lion Ice: no thanks)

    Why is all NZ beer only 4.0%? There must be a good reason.

    - sheldon

  53. Kit's Top Five Added by: griff (mgriffit@hk.super.net)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 August, 18:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1. James Boag's Premium
    2. Cascade Pale Ale
    3. Redback
    4. Cooper's Sparkling Ale
    5. Boags Classic Bitter

  54. emersons Added by: peet
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 August, 23:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    emersons from dunedin is the best (the owners are cool to)
    then coopers sparkling from adelaide, but the best beer in
    the world is brakespears old from henley on thames in good
    old blighty

  55. King Coopers Added by: Jimmy
    [Timestamp: Thu 27 August, 18:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't even try VB. VB is just parsturised goats urine
    brewed from stale hops and 15 year old wheat. It would have
    the worst beer ever brewed except the beer in the NT. Only
    drink Coopers. Coopers Pale, Draught, Stout and any others
    you can find.

  56. ***SPEIGHT'S*** Added by: rainlink
    [Timestamp: Fri 4 Sept, 11:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hallo Klaus! ich war dort und SPEIGHT'S war mit Abstand das
    beste Bier!
    SPEIGHT'S rules! i'm from germany and have traveled NZ,this
    beer is great.

  57. simpsons et al Added by: Jimbo
    [Timestamp: Sun 6 Sept, 2:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anybody remember the limited edition cas of "Duff"

  58. SPEIGHT'S! Added by: Gary (gjmulder@geocities.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 7 Sept, 1:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Please, please don't remind me... I was in Dunedin, NZ last
    month and made up for being in the USA for 4 years.
    Speight's Gold and Speight's Old Dark are better than any
    beer I've tasted here in the USA.
    Lowenbrau Dark in the USA is about the best I can find to
    supplicate my poor tastebuds...

  59. Hmmm Added by: Joey (thom_nz@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 7 Sept, 2:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    After reading all the different versions of the Good, the
    Bad and the Ugly of the world's beers, I made my mind up to
    join the masses who have written in to this site and put in
    my 10 cents worth. Personally, I'm a big fan of Speights,
    seeing as I'm living here in Otago. Someone made the point
    that it was enjoyed best on the famous terraces of
    Carisbrook, but I think it's better anytime, anywhere.
    Monteiths also has a fine selection of beers as does Macs.
    I also read on this page that Speights was like an ugly
    child or something. Well, if we're to follow this idiot's
    example, it applies to all beers. BUT, this simply isn't
    Heinekin, Stella Artois and Grolsch are fine international
    beers, with each of them having their own unique flavours.
    Steinlager will always be New Zealand's best
    internationally acclaimed beer, but their are alot of
    other's that more than hold their own against the 'steinie'
    Ahhh, well. You get that, I suppose...
    P.S: Do you know their's a DUFFS Brewery down here in
    Dunedin, New Zealand? I haven't had a chance to try it yet,
    but there's plenty of time for that. I'll just enjoy my
    Speights in the meantime...

  60. Fairies Added by: Trev
    [Timestamp: Mon 7 Sept, 23:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To all you big girl's blouses out there that cant handel VB
    I say good, more for us. You have probably never done a
    hard days work in your life, let alone to sit in a nice
    country Aussie pub and down a few cool, sweet VB's. So
    bugger of it your crappy, poofy Canadian and New Zealand
    clubs and drink your brown wine...but real men drink VB and
    we love it.

  61. VB=Real Beer!!! Added by: Mr. V. Bitter (yeahright@jokers.poofters.who.can't.handle.VE)
    [Timestamp: Tue 8 Sept, 0:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All you faggots who hate VB can go to hell!!! Half of you have probably never even tried this liquid gold! You ignorant bastards! Go and get a fucken life!!!!!!!

  62. VB=Vitamin B Added by: Mr. V. Bitter's Brother, Ebbsy! (vb.kicks.ass.up yours.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 8 Sept, 0:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Essential in any Diet! My brother is absolutely spot on. I was never a fan of VB because it was never 'fashionable' enough, but once you become a real beer drinker, you scrap the 'fashionable' beers and drink VB!!! Everyone who has written on this page (except the Coopers drinkers) are wankers! Coopers is also a pretty good beer, but I would love to recommend VB to these people. To anyone who doesn't drink VB- Suck shit because your missing out on a sensational beer!!!!

  63. VB & Corona Lads Added by: Mazza
    [Timestamp: Tue 8 Sept, 9:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would certainly agree with young Ebbsy and that Trev bloke
    to say to all the NON VB drinkers a BIG FUCK YOU! I mean
    where do u get off thinking other beers are different. HAHA.
    Anyway, if I have extra money or someone is shouting Corona
    also kicks ass, although a little poofy it still kicks ass.
    MMMMMMM surfing Safari and VB & Corona ahahahahahaha. Anyway
    thought I'd add my $50 worth. Go the crows and to all the
    power fans I hope u rot in hell cos the Power root each
    others wifes up the ass

  64. VB All the way Added by: Nanger
    [Timestamp: Tue 8 Sept, 11:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    And the best cold Beer is Gina, Gina Breen!
    I know many of you fellow beer lovers have no idea what I am
    talking about but I would have to say that VB is the best
    cold beer going around at the moment! Sure the odd Coopers
    Sparkling, Pale and especially Dark are "nice" beers, but I
    discovered, like Nebbsy, Trevitt and Mazza, that if you want
    to go beyond a "nice" beer once you've aquired a taste for
    them, you should try the "real" VB extravganza. I can assure
    all you beer loving Aussies, that VB is not meant to be a
    "nice" beer, rather, it is a beer you aquire a taste for and
    once you've found that taste for VB, well you've truely
    become a true beer drinker and found who you really are!
    Only an Aussie or foreigners who have a "True" Taste for
    beer will know what I'm talking about! And as for you Kiwis,
    you can go brew your sheep!

  65. My view Added by: Julian (jules@adsundercover.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 8 Sept, 19:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Here in Canada we drink soft, warm beers because our mummys
    wont let us have a cold one cause we might get a chill. VB
    is yucky, and i cant handel. My friend Nigel likes one of
    those New Zealand beers, because they are warm and flat and
    wont make him sick...So go away all you VB bullies.

  66. VB dreamers Added by: Rob
    [Timestamp: Tue 8 Sept, 22:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Coopers from Sth Oz is the best Oz beer. VB is marginally
    better than Fosters which is weasel piss. That would make
    it......... kangaroo piss??
    Aussie (mostly 2nd/3rd generation Germans) make the best
    red wine, also in Sth Oz.
    New Zealand beer is better than Oz beer (even though NZ
    owns half of the Oz beer companies) and the best NZ beer is
    S outhern
    P iss
    E njoyed
    I n
    G reat
    H otels of
    T he
    S outh
    SPEIGHTS Old Dark.
    Best alcohol is Bushmills Irish Whisky....to be sure!!

  67. THE BEST BEER IN THE WORLD IS.... Added by: Beer Baron
    [Timestamp: Wed 9 Sept, 14:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The best beer in the world is the FIRST cold lager you drink
    after working in the sun all day!!
    Never mind the brand.... Taste the moment.!!!
    All other times, depending on the occassion and the crowd,
    the best beer can be VB (staple diet) but I am also partial
    to Cascade, Coopers, Becks, Grolch, Heineken and any beer
    which is free --- with the exception of American, Canadian
    and Mexican beers (cat's piss bottled and sold as beer).
    eg. CORONA - needs more than a bloody lemon to make it

  68. BEER Added by: MattyH
    [Timestamp: Wed 9 Sept, 19:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Beer is thy enemy
    VB, Coopers, Crown Lager, Steinlager, Pale Ale, Dark Ale,
    Redback, THROWEMBACK
    There all fucken GOOD - so get stuck into em

  69. NZ BEER ALL THE WAY Added by: beerluver
    [Timestamp: Sat 12 Sept, 20:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Make it dark Make it cold and give it to me
    Emersons London Porter (Dunedin)
    Black Mac
    and if your looking for something 'interesting' go into the
    Dux D Lux in Christchurch and order a 'Black Shag' (they
    really do have it)

  70. but beerluver... Added by: sheldon
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Sept, 18:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...why is all NZ beer 4.0%???

  71. My fave.. Added by: Farina (farina3@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Sept, 10:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My favourite beer is ROOT BEER, which is annoying as you cant get it it the UK
    (If anyone knows you can please let me know)

  72. i know Added by: thomas cooper
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Sept, 17:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    if u want a beer with similar alcey content as your german
    beers go for a coopers sparkling ale and u cant go wrong.

  73. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Added by: Jungle
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Sept, 23:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spent 12 months driving around OZ and tried as many
    different beers as I could. EMU was good for thurst
    quenching. On my return to the UK I was glad to find
    Coopers. It's such a shame they serve that VB muck at The
    In NZ Waikato Bitter was far better than the Red Lion.
    Looking forward to some Mad Dog In Auckland and Some
    Gisbourne Larger for Y2000.
    1. Coopers Sparkling Ale
    2. EMU
    3. Waikato

  74. Drink Up! Added by: Toni
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Sept, 22:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Schooner of Reschs and a shot of sambucca!
    Rock ON

  75. VB or XXXX, I guess I'll never know Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Mon 28 Sept, 19:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm in love with both. I could (and do) spend many an
    evening pondering which is better. Usually, I can't
    remember what answer I come up with (let alone the question)

  76. booze Added by: swiss
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 Oct, 0:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The best beer I ever had is SPEIGHT's from Dunedin.
    The best beer of Switzerland is 'Baarer Bⁿgelspez'......
    Proscht (means cheers)

  77. biah = beer Added by: Oli (kuemei@netway.at)
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 Oct, 22:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Probably the best beer in the world is the Salmbraeu from
    Salesianerkloster in Vienna!

  78. Are you all Mad!! Added by: Lucky
    [Timestamp: Mon 12 Oct, 2:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are a lot of Australians posting to this site and
    they've all forgot OUR best beer!
    Crown Larger.... Not probably, but THE best beer in the
    Oh... How many ears has Spock got?
    Left ear, right ear and "The final front ear!!"

  79. Speights now available in London and Bondi Added by: Speights (speightsgold@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 Oct, 0:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Speights is the best beer in the world. For all you
    uneducated people it stands for the following things:
    Some People Enjoy It God Hates The Shit
    Special Product Enjoyed In Great Hotels Throughout South
    Superior Piss Enjoyed In Great Hotels Throughout South

  80. Boozers Loosers Added by: Marty
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 Oct, 8:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If it does the job, who cares?
    All aussie beers taste the same after a half dozen anyways.
    PS Steinlager? I'd rather drink my own piss.

  81. VB = Very Bad Added by: Nicko
    [Timestamp: Fri 6 Nov, 17:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ater 18 months of working in a pub in Sydney,
    I can't believe why VB is so popular. It would have to be
    one of the worst Beers out there. If it didn't have
    alcohol in it do you really believe those guys would
    sit down to glass of that piss ? I don't think so....
    My vote is for Cascade Pale Ale...

  82. One beer! Added by: Mr.Bitter
    [Timestamp: Wed 18 Nov, 16:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Melbourne Bitter is the drink,
    as for anything made by Tooheys,forget it.
    (there must be a reason why it is always the last left)

  83. Stella be thy name Added by: Pablo
    [Timestamp: Wed 18 Nov, 16:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    say no more.

  84. mmm... beer. Added by: thirsty in Canada (fstop42@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 24 Nov, 10:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You gotta' love the amount of interest generated by a question about beer. Cheers.

  85. VB, VB, VB Added by: Sasch
    [Timestamp: Tue 24 Nov, 12:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As a Melbourne girl, can't go past VB. Toohey's is okay, as
    is Coopers but XXXX tastes like dishwater! Emu is equally
    as crap. Carlton Crown isn't bad and as for o.s. beers,
    nothing beats Carlsberg Elephant Beer - sublime!

  86. Glug glug glug! Added by: Big D
    [Timestamp: Sat 5 Dec, 19:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nicko is right!
    As a former South Australian, and now resident Tasmanian, I
    have to demonstrate a degree of bias.Big D's Top 10
    1.Cascade Pale Ale
    2.Boag's Premium(recently voted the Best lager in the world)
    3.Cascade Premium
    4.Southwark Bitter(nostalgic reasons only)
    5.Cooper's Sparkling Pale Ale
    6.Cooper's ome Brew Ale(all of them)
    7.Carlton Cold(I know its a chemical beer, but it's OK cold)
    9.Southwark Premium
    10.Emu Bitter
    Enjoy them all, just make sure your mouth is as dry as a
    dead dingo's donger before imbibing and ALL beers will taste

  87. the 10th beer is always the best! Added by: Flemming
    [Timestamp: Mon 7 Dec, 9:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well as a Dane I'd have to say Tuborg or Carlsberg!!
    I also quite enjoy Corona and VB is okay, Carlton so so.
    Last but not least the Tusker beer from Kenya is really
    excellent too, how many of you have tasted that one?

  88. BEER PEACE Added by: KARLO
    [Timestamp: Wed 9 Dec, 18:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    While sitting on a sunny Sunday in Brastagi, North Sumatra,
    disabusing an ignorant Aussie of the sad misguided notion
    that Fosters is somehow better than shark piss in a can
    compared to the bit of heaven that's a fine Canadian brew,
    we were shamed from our harranguing by a wise (imagine!)
    German with the following words of wisdom: "The best beer in
    the world is the cold one in your hand."

  89. Beer Added by: Homer
    [Timestamp: Fri 11 Dec, 13:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    MMMmmmmmmm Beer.....!!

  90. Sunday Afternoons! Added by: Bec
    [Timestamp: Fri 11 Dec, 14:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    From a womans perspective, I think nothing beats a Sunday
    arvo at the Left Bank in Freo, havin a couple of Corona's
    with lemon shoved down it's neck. Second runner would be
    havin a Redback at the Norlfok in Freo or a Guiness at the
    Bogg in Northbridge or a Cascade at the Newport in Freo.
    Well gotta go, gettin thirsty.

  91. Best beer Added by: KiraRei (msilbert@starwon.com.au)
    [Timestamp: Fri 11 Dec, 22:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As far as Aussie or NZ beers, I'd say Lion Red anyday!

  92. Tasmania Added by: Helen
    [Timestamp: Sun 13 Dec, 12:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As a biased Tasmanian (although I used to hate beer) Cascade
    and Boags are the best. The irony is that those on the big
    island of Australia used to think our beer was a joke but
    all of a sudden it's winning awards and all the mainland
    yuppies are drinking it because it's 'cool'. Suckers!

  93. urp!! Added by: Gringa Oz
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 22:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Have you ever tried a crownie? That's kind of like the
    more stylish of Aussie beers compared to VB which is an
    everyday beer. As far as NZ beers go, if it doesn't come
    from a sheep than it can't be better than the mainland.

  94. mmmmmm. beeeer Added by: Chris
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Dec, 15:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Australia brews some of the best beers in the world.
    Feel proud, what ever you preference is.
    At least we're not responsible for that crap that they pass
    off as beer in the US.

  95. Att: Klaus Added by: Who the fuck cares
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Dec, 19:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How many times do you have to ask this bloody question????
    Can't you remember the answers people gave, the last six
    months that you have posted this!

  96. Lesley Added by: Tammi
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Dec, 4:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Lesley, I caught you again you twit. It only took you two
    minutes to jump from topic to topic to give your dull
    advice. Again, look up top Klaus, entered this in April,
    LPs been keeping this going. Idiot.

  97. Castlemaine XXXX Added by: Lorinda (taauto.beachaccess.com.au)
    [Timestamp: Sat 26 Dec, 17:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    By far XXXX is the best beer down this way,best taste and
    alcohol content.

  98. coopers or mac gold Added by: lou
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 23:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    no contest. coopers on australia, mac gold in NZ, unless
    you want a stout, then vita stout in NZ.
    look no further!!

  99. Tammi Added by: LG
    [Timestamp: Sun 3 Jan, 12:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Are you related to Sodmoy Swine of Sydney?????

  100. Attention VB lovers Added by: Lorinda
    [Timestamp: Tue 5 Jan, 15:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This is how VB is brewed:
    First the camel drinks the XXXX,
    Because it is so hot he drinks some
    Then he has a piss and out comes
    the VB.
    So the Victorians adopt the VB anything would beat
    Fosters,perhaps one day they will be able to drink some of
    god's beer XXXX.

  101. AT LAST ! Added by: DAZ
    [Timestamp: Sat 9 Jan, 9:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    At last someone else out there appreciates CASCADE PALE
    ALE. I'm worried about the rest of you.

  102. Pedigree Added by: Pedigree (Pedigree)
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 12:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You all should know that Pedigree is by far the best beer
    in the world - so there!

  103. Pedigree... with meaty chunks! Added by: big woofer
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 18:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Available in marrowbone and jellymeat varieties.

  104. ???? Added by: German girlie
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 3:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    XXXX or Steinlager - love both :-)

  105. Beer.... Added by: Pip
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 6:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Tuborg, Carlsberg, Macs Gold.......

  106. Back-Packing-ASIA/Anywhere interesting Added by: Simon (sdt@sparks85.freeserve.com.uk)
    [Timestamp: Wed 20 Jan, 8:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    HI, I`m looking for information about Tibet / Thiland area
    for a possible back-packing vacation (on a shoe-string)
    Any body out there Know of VISA restrictions or travel
    problembs? Perhaps you have been there before?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated, as the official
    Embassies are not helpfull at all once they know you`re a
    Contact me at the above E-MIAL
    TA VERY MUCH !!! Simon

  107. to santa Added by: dingo
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 18:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Klaus you dipshit, you must have sheeps blood in you.

  108. Your ALL Wrong Added by: Not Fussy
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 12:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Best Beer in the world is FREE Beer!

  109. BOONT AMBER Added by: jacintha
    [Timestamp: Thu 28 Jan, 10:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    well, it's not from "down under," but the best beer in the
    world is BOONT AMBER, an amber ale brewed in Boonville,
    Mendocino County, northern California!

  110. SPEIGHTS Added by: Anna
    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 4:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Speights is the finest beer in the world. Irish beer cannot
    hope to compete. But the murphys...

  111. Attention VB lovers Added by: Borg
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 Feb, 9:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Lorinda, you have disclosed the secret recipie for VB - you swine!

  112. After a hard day's batting I like to unwind with a ... Added by: Adam Gilchrist
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 14:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Aussie beers
    1: Redback
    2: Cascade Premium
    3: Tooheys New (Can't get it in Victoria - bummer!)
    4: Coopers Sparkling
    5: Boags (any type)
    6: Coopers Pale Ale
    7: Cascade Pale Ale
    8: Tooheys Old
    9: Tooheys Gold (good mid-strength beer)
    10: Carlton Draught straight from the tap in a frosty pot
    on a stinking hot day
    1: Heinekken
    2: Grolsch
    3: Boddingtons
    4: Caffreys
    5: Lauwenbrau
    6: Kronenbourg
    7: Sleman's Honey Brown (Canadian)

  113. BUDVAR. Added by: daniel
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 2:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i realy appreciate the german brews but the most tasty
    refreshingly fresh bubbely deep yellow juice on the planet
    is Budvar , Budweiser from the czech republic (please don't
    confuse it with the american bullshit laundry water)

  114. IRISH BEER ROCKS Added by: Swill (cquarrie@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 18:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Based on my experience of American, Canadian, Mexican, and
    European (this includes Irish, Scottish, Belgian,
    Hungarian, Czech, French, German, Italian, Swiss, and
    Dutch) beer, I would have to say, personally, that
    Kilkenny, if properly served, at the proper temperature and
    if it's fresh enough, is the best damn beer you could ask
    for. I lean towards darker beer though. As for warmer
    climate beer, Sol. Yes, it's commercial, but nothing beats
    it when lying on the beach in Puerto Angel.

  115. Off to f..... the cat Added by: tough rat
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 7:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Beer is for dribbling old farts. If your a tough rat you'd
    be drinking a fine drop of grouppa.

  116. I would have to say.... Added by: OneFatKiwi
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 15:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    that my fav is Mac's Gold (I am biased though because I do
    live in Nelson) Speights comes a close second.

  117. come on, guys... Added by: Fabulous (fbouvy@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 18:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm very desapointed, nobody speaks about Belgian beers and
    their 700 (seven hundred) different kind of beers! Stella is
    the worse one we've got. Shame it is the most exported. If
    you really want to try a VERY good one, try the "Leffe
    Blonde", that i found in a bottle shop of Sydney(In front of
    the Woolworth in Darling st. Balmain)
    If you can find my favorite one, the Blanche of Hogaerden,
    Just send me one..Rhaa glub...!The Chimay bleue is very
    popular among tourist in Belgium, also the Duvel! Very
    strong, take care! So just try, and let me know!

  118. Them's fightin' words!!! Added by: c.k.
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 March, 6:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am amazed at just how personally miffed some of your
    respondent's reactions were to the open forum postings
    for "best beer".
    This really is a subjective matter to say the least and
    certainly not worth feeling afronted by someone else's
    personal tastes. Just remember, if respondent X raves
    about a brew you find undrinkable, that leaves just that
    much more of your favourite on hand for yourself!
    That being said, I will now post my own personal
    favourites which are (in order of my own personal
    Cascade, Boag's, Crown Lager, Redback. It truly is a
    pity that someone doesn't import these brands to the USA
    as they would likely ba quite popular over here.
    For you beer snobs, yes, I even enjoy a cold VB when I
    can get my hands on one!!
    I must admit however that our domestic American beers
    SUCK!!! There isn't one in the entire lot that I could

  119. Australian beer tour Added by: A Vested Interest
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 21:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    perhaps you can come to Australia and decide for yourself.
    I run beer tours in Melbourne (home of VB & fosters larger)
    I take people on pub tours around Melbourne, trying heaps
    of different beers. contact me on citypubwalks@hotmail.com
    for more information. regards Peter (Owner/operator)

  120. Tassie Beer Rules OK! Added by: Taz Tim
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 22:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When in Australia, don't go for the Fosters or VB or XXXX,
    try the local brews, such as Carlton Cold, Hahn Ice. Also,
    the Tasmanian beers: Boags and Cascades - they are still the
    best (not that I am biased or anything!).
    Tim from Taz.

  121. Tassie Beer Rules OK! Added by: Taz Tim
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 22:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When in Australia, don't go for the Fosters or VB or XXXX,
    try the local brews, such as Carlton Cold, Hahn Ice. Also,
    the Tasmanian beers: Boags and Cascades - they are still the
    best (not that I am biased or anything!). Oh, by the way,
    Swedish beer really sucks (not only does it taste
    disguisting, but it costs a fortune!)
    Tim from Taz.

  122. free beer, free beer Added by: beer monster
    [Timestamp: Wed 31 March, 23:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Now that I have caught your eye I cant believe it took until Not Fussy to come up with the best beer of all and that must be FREE BEER. I must admit that if I do have to pay my personal preference is the good old Melbourne Bitter closely followed by any Coopers variety. I believe that the location for swilling pays a very important part in the whole scheme of things along with the vessel being consumed from. There is nothing better than that first pint on a friday night. How well does that go over the lips and down the throat.

  123. C'mon guys......... Added by: Billy the exceptional beer taster (alsharob@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 April, 0:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a bit disappointed to see all you supposed beer
    experts argueing over the "best" beer. The main point of
    beer is to quench your thirst and of course to have a good
    time with your mate(s). Of course everyone has their
    favourite, but I say the best beer is one which a mate
    pours for you - don't matter what is on the label eh? As
    long as you have enough of the stuff to conclusively decide
    whether or not it is good enough to become your new
    favourite. My current one is STEINLAGER
    Be good to each other....

  124. West Island Added by: Einstein
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 April, 21:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Isn't Australia in New Zealand anyway?

  125. its raining again in Hunter Valley Added by: will
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 1:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree, Coopers or Crown Lager..
    or even Tooheys..
    VB is piss but it is still better than Steinlager..
    im not biased, Im a yank, for chrissakes..

  126. Coopers Beer Added by: Ally Oop
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 19:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go through this lot and count how many times Coopers (in
    Adelaide) is mentioned. I think you have your answer, I
    know I have. Come to Adelaide and spend a while testing
    for yourselves.

  127. mmm...Jever Added by: mmm...Jever
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 19:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    While VB is afine beer, it is not the best.
    What is? I'll tell you:
    Jever Pilsener
    A fine brew from Germany, it tastes a lot like VB but
    doesn't taste like chemicals as VB does after a while

  128. A test for MEN!! Added by: The Pink Elephant
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 2:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why donÆt you girls just get together and fight it out at a
    beer festival? The last person standing get the say on what
    the best beer is!

  129. MAC'S GOLD Added by: KIWI
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 8:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wont be a prat and copy that line a ka-trillion times but
    Mac's Gold is the best in my opinion.

  130. tickets Added by: dale (cubbie@pgonline.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 29 April, 15:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Im planning a trip to aus and i was wondering bout the
    availability of rugby tickets and aus rules football
    tickets. the prices, best places to see these events.
    whatever help would be great.

  131. Another one for VB! Added by: Dan
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 0:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    VB is God's brew, as far as I'm concerned. Whoever said
    Lapin Kulta way above me wasn't far off, either and I saw a
    Carlsberg Elephant fan as well.
    XXXX would have to be one of the biggest pieces of shite to
    ever come out of QLD (and that's saying a lot). Melbourne
    Bitter is straight from the toilet too!

  132. Caffreys Irish Ale 's Smoooooth. Aahhhhh Added by: Maria (mmosquer@csulb.edu)
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 12:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Caffreys is the only brew that can tantalize my senses.
    It's creamy, sweet, and delicious.
    I can't get it here in LA - I'm deprived.

  133. Caffrey's for me Added by: Smooth and Creamy
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 16:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    By shear conincidence the above post echos my thoughts
    exactly. I've travelled the world and drunken every
    alcoholic concotion known to man - and Caffrey's is the
    best. There's a few pubs in Sydney that do it on tap but its
    not quite the same as it only takes a minute to settle
    (should take about three). But its close enough, if I was
    desperate for a lager/pilsner I would go for Reschs cos'
    "Reschs refreshes"...

  134. Best by far Added by: Mel
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 18:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    "Piss de Chameau" - or loosely interpreted as Camels Piss -
    a speciality of Mauritania, or..taking the piss..have it
    either way.

  135. Redback Added by: Nettie
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 18:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Best beer would undoubtedly REDBACK BEER. Best in the west
    and best in the world. Try it, you'll like it.

  136. Beauty Added by: sheldon
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 12:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

  137. Coopers for me Added by: Mark
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 14:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As a person who loves some beer with alcohol (and natural
    I say
    1) Coopers Sparkling Ale
    2) Coopers Pale Ale
    3) Cascade Pale Ale
    VB is a weak beer with a chemical taste. I found NZ beers to
    be also very weak.
    But as has been said before, if you have been working for
    it, any beer goes down very well. just make sure it is a

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