B&S Balls

This topic was created by Scrubber
[Wed 19 May, 17:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Being a young country Aussie I would have to say do not miss
one of these things whilst over here. $60 bucks all you can
drink for 2 days, fat V8 utes, fat chicks & not so fat
chicks, extreme drunkeness, and of course Bundy Rum. It is
a piece of Australian culture you can not afford to miss.
Please come along

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 0:11]

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  1. Where in Oz? Added by: Clinton (SoulRHip@excite.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 5:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Can anybody tell the location of these balls and how to find
    out via the publications in Sydney and elsewhere? When I set
    foot in Australia I wanted to know where so I could give my
    $60. Also,what should I wear a cheap tux or formal wear from

  2. I like balls Added by: Alisa (lowman@deakin.edu.au)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I too was wanting to get more info on the B&S Balls flyer.
    Please let me know if you have any info. I am only going to
    be in Australia a little while longer, and this sounds quite
    worthwhile. Thanks

  3. WHERE ARE THE BALLS? Added by: Curious?
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 11:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I also want to know, where and when? Any in WA?
    Please someone must know.

  4. B and S 's Added by: Country Chick
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 0:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey guys,
    OK a B and S, requires that chicks wear skirts and blokes
    wear a tux, please don't wear anything you love as it will
    get covered with food dye (the boys seem to love spraying
    this all over the place) ... everyone, girls included will
    be wearing RM's (THE Aussie Riding Boot and rural Icon),
    about when to go to one ... the biggest one in NSW is
    Gunnadah B and S. Its on New Years eve and bloody huge ...
    most country towns havea ball or equally messy event. I
    think if you get a copy of The Land (or equivelent in other
    states ... the rurual paper) you'll see ads for them .. also
    ask in pubs ... I have gone to heaps, and finding out has
    always been word of mouth. Condo B and S is apparently
    another big one. Don't go to one in the city ... they are
    just hanging off the counntry thing, and won't be the same
    Whatever ... have a wild time you'll be sure not to forget

  5. Expendable Tux Added by: Clinton (SoulRHip@excite.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 4:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Where in Australia can a guy get a expendable tux? Since it
    will get dirty and soiled I wanted to find that place either
    in the big cities or rural areas in Oz. Your help is

  6. INFO Added by: Roger
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 16:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To get a Tux that you only plan to wear once go to a second hand clothing shop you often find them there. They are bit hard to find now days as everyone in Australia has got that Idea as well. Bear in mind that the dress code is always Black Tie but the controlling of that is pretty slack at a lot of them, dark pants and a white shirt and black bow tie in most cases will get you in. As for where to go I agree with #4 don't go to the city ones there not the real thing, she must have come from Gunnedah, I would say that it's certainly not the biggest but it's up there with them. Most major country centres have them as she said go to the pubs and read the local country papers in the classifieds and you should be able to track one down. And above all even if you don't like getting rolling drunk it's worth just a look anyway because it's been a tradition for the young people of Australia for a long time although they are wilder now than they were back in our parents day. Just one last thing if food colouring and beer get throwen all over you just take it and laugh it off because it probably will happen and if that's going to worry you, you had better not go.And one final thing make sure you have a spare set of clothes as by the end of the night you could cold, wet and have mud all over you. Best of luck for your search for the Great Aussie B&S

  7. you have to be in the know Added by: bryce from oz
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 17:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The problem with locating these B and S balls is that they
    are not well advertised. Everyone who goes to one will get
    invited to another, but it is hard to find where that
    elusive first one is. Also you may be have to travel half
    way across the country if you want to get to one during
    your stay. And just like Murphy's Law, you always either
    just miss one or there will be one the day after you leave.

  8. Coota B & S Added by: Ally
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As far as I remember Cootamundra held its B & S over the
    October long weekend. A friend has always recommended the
    Condo Races as well.
    I always preferred the winter B&S's. Chicks just remember
    to wear a nice frock that you won't get fucked off if
    someone chunders all over it and blokes a tux is the way to
    go. Check out St Vinnies or the Smith Family shops for
    something appropriate.

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