Savage mosquitoes

This topic was created by Bryce from Oz (
[Fri 14 May, 15:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

This might be the wrong time of year to meantion it, but
watch out for the summer mosquitoes on the East coast. They
are absolutely savage and may carry disease.
If you are in the major cities such as Sydney, the
mosquitoes aren't that bad (except for Cronulla), but get
out into the scrub and they will eat you alive, both day
and night. I have lived outside Sydney most of my life and
I will tell you that the worst places I have been for
mosquitoes are Yamba, Hat Head National Park, Jervis Bay
National Park and Gippsland Lakes. There are obviously more
and I hope that some people can add to this collection. In
the above mentioned places, your body will be covered in
blood from all the squashed mosquitoes if you don't have
repellent. Even with repellent, there will be a grey haze
of mosquitoes hanging around about a metre away from you at
night. People may disagree,but in an independant survey
done in "Wild" magazine, "Bushmans" insect repellent came
up best by miles.
People may also disagree, but mosqitoes can be deadly in
Austrlalia. For those who are sceptical, hit the "search"
button on your browser, look up "Ross River Virus" and come
back and tell me if you would like to catch it. And there
are other nasties the humble mozzie can carry.
After having been to over 30 countries in my life (many
tropical countries included), I cn say that there are more
mozzies in parts of Australia than anywhere I have been.

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 15:03]

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  1. Question Added by: Joanne (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 3:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Where do you get this repellent from? I never heard of it,
    and our mosquitos and black flys when in season are bad in
    the forest areas of Northern Quebec, Ontario, pretty well
    many places in Canada.

  2. Bushman's Added by: Wendy (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 12:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    G'day Joanne
    I think that Bushman's is an Australian product, but I have
    thrown my old container out so cant be sure, but I do know
    it contains about 75% DEET or even more, so that's the
    important thing that makes it so effective against biting
    insects. I think in the US they have banned anything with
    more than about 20% DEET.
    Cheers, Wendy

  3. My worst mosquito experiences Added by: Rose
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 15:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    were in interior British columbia, Canada - huge mosquitos
    and millions of them. I don't find Australia too bad at
    all for mosquitos and the earlier sunsets help too. there
    is a theory of course that eating Vegemite is a deterrant
    as the bugs can't stand the taste of the skin and I think
    there is some truth in this.

  4. My worst mosquito experiences Added by: A Pom
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 0:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    #3 - Does that work with Marmite as well?

  5. Army insect repellent Added by: Bryce from Oz (same as before)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 15:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I take back what I said. Even better than Bushman's is the
    Australian Army Insect repellent. The problem with this
    stuff is; you can't buy it in shops and; the stuff smells
    so vile that it serves well as a people repellent!

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