millenium in oz

This topic was created by party gal
[Sat 22 May, 0:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

hey does anyone out there have any fab ideas on what to do
in aust for ny 2000? any special festivals happening either
in victoria or nsw? we can't decide whether to stay or go...

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 1:49]

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  1. Byron Bay!!! Added by: Melanie
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 1:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you are going to be in New South Wales or Victoria I
    would recommend to seriously stay away from Sydney or
    Melbourne. It is going to be absolute bedlam. Byron Bay
    (about 10 hours north of Sydney) is excellent for New
    Years. I have been up there for about 3 new years and am
    going up again this year, they have all been excellent. It
    is like a huge street party and the weather is beautiful
    for it. There are heaps of performers down on the beach.
    it is a must. The only thing is if you can't get
    acommodation and have to get it at Lennox Head (about 20
    minutes of Byron) or somewhere else outside of the town
    check out whether they are closing the town off this year.
    They usually close it off every year (and I think they
    definitely will this year) and you need a pass to get into
    the town. So I would check that out. Hope you have a ball!

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