Advice on Whitsunday Cruises

This topic was created by Paul (
[Thu 20 May, 21:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Can anyone please give me advice on cruising around the
Whitsunday Islands? I do have a couple of specific questions
but would appreciate any advice and would both enjoy and
appreciate hearing from people who have been on these
My specific questions are:
(1) From people who've been on the cheaper cruises ie depart
on the afternoon rather than the morning, did you feel that
you had enough time?
(2) I've been told here that of the 3 day 3 night cruises
Tallarook (Tallarook V does this one) tend to have run-down
yachts. The trouble is I've found that hostel workers (who
told me this) and touts give you bullshit advice to try to
sell you the stuff which is best for them. This sounds the
best of these tours to me, for a 26 year old young acting
couple on a limited budget (as opposed to Anaconda III and
Solway Lass; the latter even has a licensed bar which would
prove very costly for me!). I would appreciate any thoughts.
(3) Any advice on the best companies to book with, or is it
best to book through a hostel?
I'm actually in Airlie Beach right now and would appreciate
as quick an answer as possible so we can go ahead and book.
Thanks in advance for all replies.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 14:18]

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  1. Sailing trip Added by: rebecca (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Whatever you do don't take "Another Ambition". It is a run
    down boat (16 yrs old). The skipper was a chauvanist pig and
    made it very clear to all of us on the boat that he really
    didn't want us there. We actually "sailed" 1 time and that
    was from the mainland in to the islands. The food was bad
    and we ended up doing our own dishes etc. I am glad I did
    the trip. BUT, our whole boat should have gotten our money
    back. It was a nightmare. But seeing the islands took a bit
    of the edge off.
    I talked to a lot of people that took Tallarook and heard
    nothing but great things about it. The food is supposed to
    be amazing and the crew very friendly.
    Don't listen to any of the people at the hosel desks. They
    are in it for the comission. They recieve 100$ everytime a 3
    day sail trip is booked through them. Go by word of mouth
    and then just go to the hostel desk and TELL them who you
    want to sail with. They are full of crap and will tell you
    anything to get you on the next boat out of town.
    I would take Tallarook if could do it again. It was booked
    up when we tried to get on the boat so make sure you sign up
    soon. When we went it was very busy. And don't forget to
    bring your own alcohol.
    Good Luck

  2. Don't know if it still exists Added by: advisor
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    But, there used to be a place in Airlie called Mandy's Mine
    of Information. She could book you on the best of the best
    for the cheapest prices. We ended up on a spectacular trip
    on a boat called the "White Swan", full meal service, wine
    with meals, great berths etc for the same price as the el
    cheapo, cook your own meal type sailing trips. Best value

  3. Cheers + Mandy's has changed Added by: Paul Monaghan (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 14:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks to Rebecca and advisor. We've now booked on the
    Solway Lass, a 3 day 3 night trip. She's a converted tall
    ship, and looks fantastic.
    Mandy's mine of information was recommended in my version of
    LP; it's now changed its name to Destination Whitsundays.
    For those of you with old LP's, it's in the same place on
    the map but the Hog's Breath cafe has moved (confusing).
    Apparently Mandy has gone travelling but I found the lady
    who worked in the new place was still by far the best source
    of information. Also, all travel agents offered us a better
    discount than the hostel, at least Reefo's ($20 as opposed
    to a free night worth $13-15, and you also get free baggage
    storage whereas Reefo's charge you $2 per day).
    I'll put up a (hopefully) smug post to tell you how we found
    it; the Solway Lass is fairly new (I think it's only done 10
    trips) so this may be of use to some people.
    Cheers, Paul.

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