Nat. park sizes

This topic was created by Beau
[Fri 21 May, 9:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Can someone tell me how big Hwange National Park is and also
the size of the Masai Mara area. Is Hwange a place where
you have an entrance that you just go out of at night when
you have finished, or is it too big to keep going in and out
of? I get the feeling Masai Mara is a lot bigger and you
have no choice but to camp overnight in it. Also I would
like to do a budget safari camping out, but I'm a little
concerned at the safety of a tent if an animal approaches
it. Are they safe enough, do the guides choose places where
animals don't come near, is there guides guarding the tents
at night? Are there such tents that are on top of cars?
Thanks in advance

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 7:06]

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  1. size Added by: shelley
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 19:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hwange is about 15000 and mara about 500 sq kms. Most people
    can only visit a fraction of Hwange and leave by dark. If
    you have your own transport you can stay in the park at
    night with or without a guide at a couple of ungarded sites,
    eg shumba, but it's not for the faint hearted. The main camp
    sites are 'guarded' but can also be visited by lions etc.
    The commercial fixed camps will cost you mega-bucks, but if
    you have no transport you can arrange an overnight
    experience with guide from main camp. Worthwhile. Nobody can
    guarantee what will or will not visit your tent at night and
    apart from a few local Zim or SA visitors you won't see many
    tents on vehicles. Whilst Hwange is great for independent
    tourist, Mara is geared towards safari companies using their
    fixed camps- makes it a bit like a zoo but you see loads of
    wildlife easily. Once you leave the main track in Hwange you
    can drive all day without seeing another tourist - magic.
    Take care though and get serious advice before doing it on
    your own.

  2. Hwange Added by: heidi (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 7:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with Shelley. Hwange is magic. I go there every
    year, stay there a couple of days, try to get acco in main
    camp or sinamatella. I leave in the morning and return in
    the evening. All by my self.
    Had some trouble getting stuck in loose sand, had to dig
    the wheels out of the sand, with some elephants watching
    me, had a flat tyre, some more stuff like that. Once
    landed up between two groups of elephants, together about
    250 α 300...
    I enjoy the beauty, the magic, the unexpected...
    Sometime you drive around without seeing one animal in
    three hours , and then all of a sudden : abundance.
    And the birds are also worth a ride in Hwange...

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