Karen Blixen

This topic was created by Helle (arbjerg_sorensen@hotmail.com)
[Thu 20 May, 6:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Need to know whether it is possible to reach Karen Blixen
House from Nairobi on a day trip? Thanks

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Sun 23 May, 21:28]

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  1. Catch a Matatu Added by: Mike Slater
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 18:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to the suburb of Karin and then walk.

  2. Easy Added by: Tramper
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 21:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As Mike indicates, Karin is a suburb of Nairobi and easy to
    get to. You'll have plenty of time to visit Karen Blixen's
    house. Karin had a very good restuarant as well, hope its
    still there, it was a pleasant place.

  3. Cab ride Added by: Jennifer
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 5:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Going to Blixen's is an easy day trip. If you are not quite
    sure about attempting the trip by matatu or local bus, hire
    a cab. The cost is not that great and the cab will wait
    for you. I can't remember how much we paid but I am sure
    it was too much-our first day in Kenya. You may also want
    to consider going to the Langata Giraffe Center not to far
    from Bixen's. This is were Giraffe Manor is located.
    There were several people in our group and we all rotated
    around so everyone would get to share the "Front Seat
    Experience". Have fun!

  4. Nairobi Cabs Added by: Brian
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 21:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just read the above post that recomended taking a cab to
    Karen Blixen house - v. good idea BUT a word of warning!
    Make sure you wash your hands after handling cash given to
    you by a Nairobi taxi driver.
    I say no lie when I tell you that the cab drivers keep their
    cash safe from theiving passengers etc. by keeping it in
    their underpants. Honest!

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