cash advances

This topic was created by erica
[Fri 14 May, 17:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

how easy is it to get cash advances on visa and mastercards
in kenya, egypt and ghana? can this be done easily through
atm machines or do you need to go into a branch to do this?

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 11:59]

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  1. RE: Easy Money Added by: Nathan J
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 23:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I haven't been to Ghana, but you should have no problem in
    Kenya and Egypt - in the main cities anyway. In Nairobi I
    used a hole in the wall and had no problem getting cash
    advances. In Cairo you will have to go into the bank and it
    can take between 10 minutes and several hours depending on
    how busy they are and how much they feel like working.
    Outside of the main cities it gets far harder to get
    advances, especially in Eastern Africa. You might also
    struggle to find a bank in some towns, so it's probably
    worth getting some extra cash when you leave the cities (and
    keeping it in a safe place!!). You do get charges quite
    high commissions on travellers cheques in some of the
    Eastern African countries - all the more reason to get
    cash advances from the cities!
    Good luck and have a good trip.

  2. Money, money, money Added by: African Dreamer
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 2:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i pretty much agree with Nathan the only thing to add is
    the ATM in the Cairo Hilton, after not seeing hard currency
    for months on the road it was quite a novel experence to
    pop the plastic into the slot and have it spit real USD or
    Stirling at you, and you will pay high commissions in banks.

  3. choices? Added by: william (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 6:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    AfDrmrer...did you get a choice of currencies? That
    is..could you ask the machine to give you $ or LB's? My
    experience is that it gives you the local currency.
    If you get a choice...does it vary with country?

  4. cash advances Added by: travelling
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 11:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't know about Ghana. You will be able to get a cash
    advance in Kenya and Egypt. You will need to go into
    banks. I never found an ATM that you could use as a
    machine (if you have a Barclay's card - maybe in Kenya)
    The first place that card seem to work is Zimbabwe.
    you can not count on the machines working all of the
    International authorization lines are often down.

  5. Ghana Added by: Paul
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 13:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was in Ghana in 1995 and you could get cash advances with
    a Visa card at the main Barclays branch in Accra the whole
    process took about 2-3 hours - as far as I know it was the
    only place it could be done in Ghana back then.

  6. Ghana Added by: Great Dane
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 18:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Came back from Ghana 14 days ago (great country). With a Visa card, you can get cash advances at ATMs at Barclays bank in Accra (High Street); several other towns also have Barclays, e.g. Cape Coast. Note, however, that there is a rather low limit on the amount drawn in ATMs. If you make your transaction inside the Barclay bank, the limit for Visa is about 170 UK pounds (per day).
    With a Mastercard, there is no limit (none that I found, anyway). However, Mastercards cannot be used in ATMs. Plan on spending at least one hour for an "inside" transaction (in blissful aircondition) and note that Barclays closes already at 2 pm.
    Happy travels to a lovely country with wonderfully friendly people.

  7. Cash Added by: Hayley
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In Accra there are three Barclays Bank ATM's. One at Circle (Kokolo), one on High Street, and one near Makola market. They are usually working and are very convenient. There is also an ATM at Barclays in Kumasi. I think the other smaller towns don't have ATM's yet.

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