Overland trip choices

This topic was created by Nicole
[Wed 12 May, 2:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'd really like some help on deciding which overland trip to
go on. I've seen advertising for lots of different companies
and they all look good, so I thought I'd ask all you
experienced travelers for your opinions!
I'm a 24 year old english female who has not traveled much
before, and the idea of backpacking fills me with dread (I
think I'm not "street-wise" enough!) I want to go to east /
south africa, probably for about 5 weeks, possibly over the
Although I've not travelled abroad much, I'm used to camping
and 'roughing it'. I'm more inclined to go on one of the
trips that provides a cook as food hygene is important to me
, but I don't mind being expected to help with the camp
chores, seting up tents etc.
What do you think????
Thanks in advance for any information or advice you want to
throw my direction,

[There are 12 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 21:52]

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  1. African Routes Added by: Esther (tnice@dsg.ecape.school.za)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 3:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have just returned from an overland trip in Southern
    Africa with AFrican Routes and it was the best. You have to
    do it. The trip was from Cape Town to Vic Falls for 19 days
    and I wish it was longer. I cant wait to do more maybe up to
    Nairobi next time. Definately I recommend Arican Routes
    they were very reliable and are based in Durban

  2. site Added by: jaco (wom@mweb.co.za)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 6:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    take a look at http://www.travelinafrica.co.za if you
    bookmark it you'll notice it mushrooms sometimes
    and dont be a whinging pom.....you CAN backpack if you
    want!!! if you do Namibia definately go with an overland

  3. Go Added by: Terry (terry00060@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 8:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nicole. Can recommend a company called Bukima. My partner
    and I did a four week trip starting Vic Falls through
    Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe finishing in Harare. Two
    crew on board, one driver and one organiser. The passengers
    were organised into groups of three and took turns at duty.
    We were give a small kitty for the day and were responsible
    for buying the food for the day, and preparing dinner and
    breakfast. Everybody was responsible for their own lunch.
    Everybody got involved with setting up camp and washing up.
    Hygene was good. It's in the best interest of the truck
    companies to maintain hygene as sick passengers cause
    untold problems and bad publicity. Your trip will depend on
    what sort of group you have on board, but usually, they
    will be there for the same reason as you. The truck crews
    usually know their way around and you have some great
    experiences and see some magnificent scenery and wildlife.
    Enjoy you trip. If I can be of any further assistance,
    please email me.

  4. geurba Added by: Dags (darryl@corplink.com.au)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 11:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Nicole, I have done 3 trips with guerba. Having met
    other trucks while travelling I highly recomend them. A
    little bit more expensive but definately worth the extra.

  5. My two cents Added by: Mags
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 12:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Have you seen this site - www.angelfire.com/ab/overlander?
    It is new but already contains some good info.
    I have been with Guerba - 22 day Vic Falls to Capetown.
    Good trip - great food thanks to the cook. I would NOT do a
    trip without a cook. I wouldn't want to trust my other
    passengers to cook for me, that would suck! I didn't like
    the Guerba trucks that much though it was nice to get the
    luggage locker under the seats. Also, the range range on my
    trip was large, 18-66, with lots of people in their 40s. I
    was 26 when I went and felt a little out of the group.
    I'm doing another overland soon, 11 weeks with Dragoman
    from Harare to Cairo (overfly Sudan). The Drago trucks are
    great and I think they tend to take people that are a
    little younger than Guerba due to their age restrictions.
    You get what you pay for in most cases and Guerba &
    Dragoman are both among the best companies. I wouldn't go
    too cheap - I've heard bad stuff about Encounter Overland,
    Absolute Africa, etc. Some people seem to enjoy Truck
    Africa, which seems to be the middle of the pack, dollar-

  6. RE: Africa Overland Added by: Nathan
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 1:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My partner and I did a 10 week Africa overland late last
    year with an English based co. called Phoenix. It was
    awesome and they have excellent trucks. The cost was about
    950 pounds for the trip. Their e-mail is
    www.phoenixexpeditions.co.uk and I would highly recommend
    them. Everyone I know has enjoyed the company that they
    have gone with, it really depends on which itinery you want
    to do. Phoenix are mid-range, Dragoman and Guerba tend to
    be a bit more. Good luck and have a fun trip.

  7. Thanks Mags.... Added by: Shazzer
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 1:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Now does anyone here object to my using their comments on
    my site (it's the angelfire one that Mags mentioned)...
    I'm on a mission to gather this info to answer people's
    questions about overland companies and could use your
    input. Names/addresses will not be used, only opinions.
    Lemme knwo if anyone objects to their opinions beign
    published on this site.
    Thanks ALL!

  8. travel as an individual Added by: Karen
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 6:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Nicole,
    Southern Africa is packed with backpackers. So, if you travel indivdually, that does not mean that you will be "lonely", unless you want to be on your own. It is not dangerous either, as long as you use your common sense and be careful.
    I can't understand the concept of wanting to travel in a group of 10 or more. This is just to encourage you to go and see the countries from another perspecive than from a tourist-truck.
    Happy travels

  9. Go Guerba Added by: Lynette
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 8:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Nicole,
    I'm a 26 year old Canadian female. I've done two trips
    with Guerba. I'd definately recommend them. They have
    very high standards with regard to hygiene and meal
    prepartion. You don't need to be an experienced
    traveller. If you enjoy camping and don't mind helping out
    with the chores, you'll do fine. Camping is the only way
    to go. There's nothing better than hearing the sounds of
    Africa at night. There are some things you just cannot
    experience from the comfort of your hotel room. Good luck
    and enjoy!

  10. FLY AFRICA Added by: mike (faa@sirius.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 20:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My pennyworth is check my thread on the thorntree about an
    expedition we are running mid-july in a light aeroplane -
    because it is of an exploratory nature i am doing this at
    cost. it could offer you the experience of adventure
    together with the security of a small group.

  11. Worldwide Added by: Sharon
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 15:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just thought I'd add another suggestion to the list - I went
    with Worldwide Adventure Travel and they were brilliant.
    Best of all was that they had 3 staff, where as many of the
    companies only have 2. The companies all seem to travel
    very similar routes and do similar things so the decision
    bascially comes down to staff and equipment and cost - I can
    recommend Worldwide on all 3 counts.

  12. Kumuka Added by: Lefrog
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 21:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I went with Kumuka and had a great time. The fact that
    they have an age limit means that you'll be with people the
    same age as you (most in my group were late 20s). We had a
    rota about the chores and cooking was one of the chores but
    hygene was not a problem, and the food was great! Also the
    price covered pretty much all you wanted - food, camping,
    enterence to parks... And they clearly state it when you
    have to pay extra (e.g. to fly over the Okovango, or
    activities in Vic falls).
    Also if you're trying to decide where to go and have to
    choose I'd go for Southern Africa, (Though East Africa is
    also great) and definitely do Namibia!

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