late night travel from Cairo-Sharm

This topic was created by simone (
[Mon 17 May, 1:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'll be arriving in Cairo airport at midnight on 30.5.99 and
want to travel straight on to Sharm for diving. Does anyone
know if it's possible to get a bus/coach/train/flight this
late in the night to Sharm and where from??
If its not possible, where is a cheap/convenient place to
stay at this time in the night in Cairo??
Thanks for any help

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 1:07]

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  1. Bus at midnight Added by: Shazzer
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 1:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Simone,
    I took the bus from Cairo to Dahab and I am fairly certain
    that these buses do not leave late at night - the bus
    stations are all in the city, anyway, so even if they did
    leave at night you would have to pay for the taxi to get
    you to the bus station (anywhere from 15-30 EP, depending
    on the type of taxi, your bargaining, etc.). We also
    arrived late at night in Cairo, and managed to share a
    Kombi taxi with a few other backpackers very cheaply into
    the center of Cairo. If you walk straight past all the car
    taxis waiting at the front doors of the airport, and cross
    the road and look down, you will see all the van taxis
    (much cheaper) waiting for passengers. Our experiences
    with these taxis was that the car taxis tried at every turn
    to rip you off, but the van taxis were cheaper and always
    took us where we wanted to go.
    Try the area around Tahrir Square for hotels, there are
    many cheap accomodations like the Sun Hotel, and Ismalia
    House Hotel (both popular with backpackers). If they are
    full when you get there, the taxi will take you around to
    other places without charging you extra (they will get a
    commission from the hotel so it is worth their while to
    help you find a room). These places are very cheap - about
    20 EP per night, if not less, so it is worth staying the
    night and getting some rest - it's a lengthy bus trip to
    Sharm and I know I wouldn't want to go straight from a
    plane onto that bus!! Tahrir Square is within easy walking
    ditance of the main bus terminal where you catch the
    coaches to Sharm, too. Hope that helps a bit! Have a
    great trip.

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