Mosquito Netting needed?

This topic was created by Liz (
[Sun 23 May, 13:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I leave in 3 weeks for a 4 month adventure through Kenya,
Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana and
South Africa. I will be with an Overland truck group for 6
weeks and traveling on my own the remaining portion.
My problem- My pack is huge!! Trying to cut down on weight
and wondered if the new 1 pound tent like netting that I
bought is really needed or can I get away without it?? Do
most lower end budget- mid range places provide netting?
If not, is it safe to go without?? I will be on lariam by
the way. Please help!

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 17:12]

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  1. No go Zone Added by: Olive
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 3:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't go anywhere in Africa without a Mozzie net, Lariam or
    not- African hospitals are not very nice and so it is worth
    taking minor precortions. It sounds as if you have quite a
    bulky net- all you need is a tiny light net, not one of the
    new trendy nets. Backpackers in maleria zones will provide
    nets, but if you are sleeping out in the open in a mozzie
    zone, they are worth using, as well as keeping other
    unwanted guests- snakes, spiders, away from you. You are
    going in African winter, so it can get quite cold, and down
    south you will be fine, but in Malawi, Tanzania and Zim you
    are at risk. Its worth taking, and if you don't need it
    you can send it home, or trade it to and African- they love
    mozzie nets!

  2. Netless Added by: Sharon
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 13:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I did an 8 week Overland trip late last year. I too had the
    luggage dilemma and left my mozzie net at home and was glad
    because I didn't need it. My friend carted hers along but
    never used it. Check with yours, but most overland
    companies provide tents which are as mozzie proof as your
    mozzie net would be so you don't need to bring your own.

  3. Sleeping under the stars Added by: Louise (you know)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 17:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Liz, how's it going? I agree, carrying a net can be a pain
    in the butt. But one of the things I appreciated about it
    on my overland trip was that if the weather was good and the
    area's safe there's nothing like just hanging your net from
    a tree, weighting it down with a few rocks and sleeping
    under the stars. Also if your on the move putting up a tent
    everynight can get tiresom. Catch you later.

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