
This topic was created by Maik
[Tue 18 May, 19:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I will be going to Ghana for three weeks this summer, and I
want to see as much of the country as possible. Can anybody
tell me anything on places I definetly shouldn't miss, and
things I can skip because they are not worth to visit. Any
other information, travel tips, and experiences regarding
Ghana are welcome.

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 11:53]

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  1. Make sure... Added by: BILLY
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Make sure you have enough time to relax and enjoy yourself
    at the greatest beach: Labodi Beach. If you are a party
    person, know that they also have evening parties held at
    Labodi Beach in Accra on Thursday nights (band playing,
    abundance of food). Have fun.

  2. Kumasi Added by: Annelie (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 3:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Oboy do I envy you! Ghana is one of my favorite countries
    that I've been to. The people are so friendly. They usually
    keep themselves at a distant at first but if you make
    contact in a nice way they're really friendly and curious
    about you. Very helpful as well.
    Don't miss visiting Kumasi in the Ashanti region. It's
    where the Asantehene, the king of the Ashantis lives.
    There's also a lot of history and traditions to experience
    there. Another beautiful area is around the Volta lake.
    Georgeous nature.
    Try and visit a least one remote village. It's amazing that
    there still are places on this earth without running water
    and electricity. Usually the villages grow coffee and cacao.
    Oh, and you have to at least try Palm wine once, it's
    I can go on and on but at least this gives you a few ideas.
    Enjoy!!!!!! /Annelie

  3. Mole Added by: Marek (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 23:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree about Kumasi and remote villages but don't think of
    skipping Mole National Park in the north - you can go on
    walking safaris and see elephants, baboons, antilopes. You
    can get there from Tamale. We loved it despite of the
    inflated prices and tough ride.
    Also the castle at Elmina is beatiful. The canopy walkway
    in Kakum National Park near Cape Coast is fun too.
    We also enjoyed staying in the castle at Beyin (no
    electricity, no-one else around, no restaurants) and the
    canoe trip to Mzurezo stilt-village (the caretaker of the
    castle will arrange it for you).
    Good luck.

  4. as above I guess Added by: gav
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 9:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    yes, all of the above. The main thing is dont try do too
    much in a short space, as NOTHING runs on time (heck, there
    isnt even a schedule often).
    Things happen slowly, and you will get frustrated if you
    try change therm to make them go fast!
    Ghana has a lot to offer if you step off ther main track
    and go to tyhe backstreets.
    Accra is very touristy in some parts (eg the craft marekt
    where you pay 2-5 times the price for thesame item as in
    the Kumasi markets or craft-villages near Kumasi!).
    I loved Kumasi, and the craft-villages. And Accra is
    amazing, just feel the vibe!
    P.S Marek, we traded emails before you went over there,
    glad to see you had a good time

  5. Ghana Adventures... Added by: Michel (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 19:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ghana, is by far one of the most incredible places I have
    visited. I spent an entire month there, and could have
    easily have spent another...
    Check out my web page
    I've got pictures and little stories... maybe it'll give
    you an idea. I'd recommend Elmina, Ho, the Volta lake
    ferry, Bolgatanga, Mole and Kumasi... You can do it in 3
    weeks... Have an amazing time!

  6. Ghana Added by: Hayley
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I LOVED Ghana. I agree with all the places recommended above and also add Kokrobite beach. It's an hour from Accra, it's great for one or two nights, preferably a weekend. Maybe the last weekend so that you can relax on the beach, stay at Wendy's place, go see the drumming concert on Sundays at AAMA. AAMA is the drumming school at Kokrobite and they have a great Sunday avi concert with local drummers/dancers. Just ask someone the way from Wendy's place and they'll help you find it.

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