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20 May '98
The US Department of State cautions US citizens against travel to Serbia's southern province of Kosovo because of the potential for rapid changes in the security situation there. Tensions between Serbs and ethnic Albanians have worsened in recent months, with a series of armed clashes, particularly in the Drenica region north and west of Pristina and in the region near the border with Albania. Police checkpoints are numerous throughout Kosovo and the Yugoslav Army is increasingly visible outside of garrisons. Armed ethnic Albanian extremists are also increasingly visible and have set up temporary roadblocks at some points. Large demonstrations by both Serbs and ethnic Albanians continue in the major Kosovo towns on a daily basis.

8 April '98
In a bid to cut the black market, the Yugoslav government has devalued the dinar by 45%. As a result, food and petrol prices have soared and many residents have begun stockpiling basic foodstuffs. And the blackmarket? Vendors have adjusted their rates accordingly and continue to buy and sell foreign currencies on BelgradeÆs streets.



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