What's in a Name?

We all want something different from travel, and we all want something different from the guide we take with us. Lonely Planet publishes a range of guides to suit whatever style of traveller you are. Whether you plan to backpack through India, trek the Andes, safari in Kenya, snorkel on the Great Barrier Reef or give your credit card a serious work-out in the five-star hotels of Europe, a title from one of the Lonely Planet series described below will help you on your way.

Shoestring guides

Ultra-low budget guides of considerable reputation - Transitions Abroad

Written by experienced travellers who have been there and done it, shoestring guides provide compact, essential information for low-budget independent travel over a major region or continent.

Features of this series include:

Lonely Planet shoestring series

Travel Survival Kits

The books are called 'survival kits', and they are. As opposed to many travel guidebooks, the Lonely Planet series has been written by travellers who really travel... - Los Angeles Times

Travel Survival Kits are in-depth guides to a single country, or a small group of countries, with travel and accommodation options to suit a wide range of budgets. These easy-to-use guides provide practical travel information in a lively, entertaining style.

Features of this series include:

Lonely Planet travel survival kit series

City guides

Lonely Planet adheres to its tradition of offering tightly concentrated information in a cornucopia of small packages - Houston Chronicle

City guides provide in-depth travel coverage of the world's most exciting cities - all the comprehensive, practical information that Lonely Planet is famous for in a pocket-sized format!

Each guide features detailed colour maps of the must-see areas of the city, as well as gatefold maps for an overview of the entire city and its surrounding area.

Features of this series include:

Lonely Planet city guide series


A source of practical, reliable, interesting and portable knowledge of [over] 20 languages, for some of which...any information can be hard to find - Houston Chronicle

These 'language survival kits' contain essential words and phrases for effective communication with local people. Independent travellers in particular will find that Lonely Planet's phrasebooks cover almost every travel situation, and they will assist all travellers to make the most of their time spent on the road.

Features of this series include:

Lonely Planet phrasebook series

Walking guides

The trekking series, which covers many of the world's major mountain ranges, is exceptional - Backpacker

Lonely Planet's walking guides cover some of the world's most exciting bushwalking and trekking routes. These informative and reliable guides are an invaluable resource for both independent trekkers and those in organised groups - in fact for anyone who believes that the best way to see a country is on foot.

Features of this series include:

Lonely Planet walking series

Travel Atlases

Lonely Planet travel atlases are maps of a country produced in a book form. They are researched by our authors and all details are carefully checked to ensure that the atlas corresponds with the equivalent Lonely Planet guidebook. The handy atlas format means no holes, wrinkles, torn sections or constant folding and unfolding - these atlases can survive long periods on the road.

Features of this series include:

Lonely Planet travel atlas series