Antarctic Guides

Antarctica; 1st edition

Jeff Rubin
Published November 1996
ISBN: 0 86442 415 9
256pp/26 maps
A$24.95 - US$17.95 - UKú11.99 - 140,00FF

Sick of the tropics ?
Well you asked for it...
The only consumer guidebook for Antarctica !
Pack your long johns.

  • comprehensive historical, political and geographical background
  • invaluable advice on how to plan a trip, including tips on how to choose a tour operator and what to bring
  • 32-page colour section on Antarctic wildlife
  • special sections written by leading Antarctic specialists on environmental issues, science, modern-day exploration, and wildlife
  • practical travel information on the Antarctic gateways Christchurch, Hobart, Ushuaia, Punta Arenas
  • sidebars covering Antarctic fiction, the ozone layer, the Antarctic treaty and pioneer women

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