The search for shade has led me to sit inside a shelter, once used as a food-preparation area by the local Aborigines - the whole surrounding area being the great big oven where the prepared food was cooked. The very idea is making me hungry. Geologically speaking, it's quite a bit like being caught inside an ocean wave of rock that curls up, over and back behind me for about 10 metres. I'm a seated surfer, baby.

I'm not sitting here to try and get all spiritual or anything (there are too many other tourists around taking photos and jabbering loudly for that. Most of them seem to be Japanese and Germans - here to escape their respective V-Day commiserations, no doubt). It's just that this is literally the only bit of shade within a couple of kilometres.

Obviously, the other side of the Rock would offer some shade, but it's so big that by the time I got there all the shade would be over here. I'm in quite a bind.

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Text © 1996 Sean Condon. Images © 1998 Lonely Planet Publications. All rights reserved.