Paraguay's Most Wanted
Q. What do Josef Mengele, Martin Boorman and friends, have in common?
A. They all chose Paraguay as a popular hiding place from the prying eyes of the world.
Q. Why out-of-the-way, landlocked Paraguay?
A. Well, no one really knows (war criminals never have listed phone numbers) but the answer is probably simple enough...

For starters, Paraguay was ruled by a tinpot dictator who loathed Communism and would turn a blind eye to smuggling, gambling, drug-running and the odd fugitive.

The country also had a lot of Nazi helmets for sale in the antique stores and there were plenty of war memorials choking the countryside - perfect accompaniments in their dotage.

Or perhaps it was the country's famed tranquilo, a peculiarly Paraguayan state of mind that lulls you into cheery, relaxed peace.

That was probably the clincher. After all, what better tonic after the rigours of a lost war?

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